Morning After

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I opened my eyes and saw the other side of the bed empty. Jordan just doesn't-

That's when it hit me. I'm not at home. I'm still at his house. This isn't my bed and what happened last night wasn't an illusion. It was very, very real. I looked around and saw my underwear laying on the floor. I used the sheet to cover my body as I gathered my stuff. I raced downstairs with my heels in hand to find my dress and clutch. To my surprise they were laid neatly on the sofa. I quickly threw them on and rushed to the door. I was stopped in my tracks when the door swung open and almost hit me.

"Whoa!" it was him, "I'm sorry." he smiled.

"H-Hi." I said in shock.

"Uh, I got you some coffee." he said holding up a to go cup full of hot coffee.

"Um...Thank you." I said awkwardly accepting the cup.

"Look it doesn't have to be this awkward between us. I understand your not used to one night stands, but-"

"How do you know what I'm used to?" I asked defensively.

"Well judging by how shy you were last night and the fact that you didn't leave before dawn tells me enough."

I nodded in agreement. Am I really that naive?

I chuckled to myself, "I'm sorry. I just really need to get home. I have a lot of things to do..."

"Like what...?" he tested. Seeing through my lies.

"I-um-I have to go food shopping and I have work in a few hours." I lied.

"Mmhm. Well if you need anything. Especially anything like last night, just call me." he grinned.

"Okay. I don't have your number tho-"

"Don't worry. I put it in your phone already." he smiled. But I gave him a weird look. How is his number already in my phone?

"Oh you must've forgot. I gave it to you last night." he added.

"Yeah. You're probably right. I don't really remember much from last night, come to think of it." I giggled. "Thank you-for the coffee and...stuff. I'm gonna go."

"You need me to take you home?" he offered.

"No, no it's fine. I already called a uber." I brushed it off. I had one hand already on the doorknob. I slowly opened the door and awkwardly rushed out the door. Thank God my uber was already outside.

When I got home, I was glad to see that Joe and Aidan weren't there yet. I went upstairs and took a long shower. I got dressed in some more appropriate clothing and sat on my bed.

All I could do was think. I thought about how I just cheated on my husband. How bad I feel about it. Yet deep down...I kind of liked it. Last night was the first time in months that I felt beautiful and sexy. He fucked me with so much passion that it almost seemed like we were making love. But no one makes love with a complete stranger. It's like he knew what I wanted and he made it about my experience.

My attention was caught by my doorbell. I hurried down the steps and opened the door to find Angie.

"Y/N. Thank you Jesus! I thought somebody kidnapped you or some crazy shit happened last night!" she rambled giving me a tight hug.

I laughed, "Angie I'm fine. I'm okay." I smiled. Pulling away from the hug.

"...You're glowing." she gave me a side way glance.

"Really...?" I said smiling even bigger. "I didn't notice." I laughed it off walking to the sofa.

"Oh. My. God. Did you get some dick last night?!" she whisper yelled a smile grew on her face.

"Maybe..." I teased.

"Bitch you did get some. Tell me everything." she started getting giddy.

"Well, I don't remember much except that he took me to his house which was gorgeous by the way. He started kissing on my neck and shoulders and he took me upstairs to his room and the rest is history." I shrugged.

"Uh uh. Don't skip the most important part Y/N. How was the sex?"

"It was amazing. It was passionate and touchy. And just thinking about it..." I grinned.

"Wait a minute. The way you're describing it sounds like y'all weren't just fucking."

"That's the thing Angie. I was prepared for some rough and sloppy, one night stand type of shit. Instead I got the slow, R.Kelly Bump and Grind, love making. But he's a complete stranger, you know?"

"Yeah of course." she agreed, "Would you do it again?"

"I don't know. Last night I was a little tipsy. So, I think that was just a one time thing. I'm not into the idea a having an affair." I looked at my hands.

"Well if Jordan doesn't give you what you need in the romance department you will always have a side piece." she shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess so," I sighed. "Well how was your night missy?" I smiled. I leaned my head in my palm and stared at her, waiting for an answer.

"Oh God! Girl, remember that guy I was dancing with beside you last night?"

"Well, I don't recall just one guy so..."

"Ugh, whatever! Just know that you were not the only one getting dicked down last night honey." she said playfully flipping her hair.

"Good for you Angie." I laughed.

Joe brought Aidan back around 1:00 pm. I spent the day playing with him and made him some dinner. After a quick bath, he was out by 7:30. I went downstairs scrolling through every channel on my television. There was nothing good on tv, so I checked my cell. I saw that Angie had tagged me in a photo we took last night on Instagram and I liked it. Then I started reminiscing about Trey and then Jordan. I am starting to feel guilty. I would be extremely hurt to know Jordan had cheated on me. So, I decided that it would be best to let Trey know that I  won't be seeing him anymore because of obvious reasons.

Text messages:

Y/N: Hey can I let you know something?

Trey: Yeah. Sure beautiful.

Y/N: I know that last night was really good and fun, but I can't see you anymore. I know that I misled you and made you think I was single, but I'm not. I've been married for about three years.

Trey: That's fine with me.

Y/N: What?!

Trey: I just want to have good sex. And you seem perfectly fine to me. What your husband doesn't know won't hurt him. 😉

I was so taken back that I didn't even reply. I just confessed to him that I'm a married woman and he's "fine with that". I stayed up almost all night, confused. Only a few minutes after I fell asleep, I felt Jordan enter the bed. He wrapped a loose arm around me and gently kissed under my ear.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now