Do Better

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"Yes Angie! He said 'Oh, I'm too tired. Can we not talk right now? I have to work in the morning'," I mocked him. "He completely ignored the point of the argument and it pissed me the hell off. It's's like he doesn't give a fuck  anymore..."

My best friend, Angela, is my ride or die. She's the best pharmacist in Southern California, hailing all the way from Detroit. Don't let her job title fool you, though. She's as wild and party crazy as she was in college. She's single and definitely likes to mingle. I love her to death. She's my rock and my roll. Period. My phone calls with her are so important.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I can't believe his 'ole stupid ass."

"I don't know what to do at his point, Ang. I'm at my wits end,"

"Look girl...How about you let me take you out to the club tonight? Take your mind off all this drama for one night...?" she suggested.

"Angela..." I sighed, "As much as I'd love to do that, I can't."

"Why not?!"

"First of all, who is going to watch my son on short notice? Second, I'm a married woman with a child! What do I look like going out to the club and acting like I'm single for the night?"

"Bitch...that's just what you need! To be single for one night and meet somebody who can help you take your mind off of this situation and ease your frustrations...." my brows furrowed and I sat up in my seat on the couch.

"'re— are you suggesting I cheat on my husband?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hey! You came to me with a problem, I'm giving you my solution." she defended, "C'mon Y/N. It's gonna be beautiful Friday night! You said it yourself, you need some excitement. You and your man haven't fucked in forever. Plus, when's the last time you and I went out and had some fun?"

"I-It has been a long time..." I admitted.

"Exactly. Look, call your mom, or your in-laws and ask them to take Aidan for the night until tomorrow morning. I'll come pick you up around 9:30pm and we'll go to the club and live it up for a few hours,"

I sat and thought for a beat. I need this. Maybe I can just drown out my sorrows in alcohol and dancing, "Alright, Ang. I guess I'll go with you."

"Yay! Girl we are gonna have so much fun!— Okay, Carl you see me on the phone and your prescription ain't ready for another hour...I would've had it ready if you just—Hold on, Carl! Damn! I gotta go girl. Don't forget 9:30."

"I won't. Bye." I giggled.


When I ended the call with Angie, I got a phone call from my father-in-law Joseph.


"Hey Y/N. Tony and I were wondering if we could keep Aiden for the night tonight?"

"Y-Yeah, that's great. I was actually planning to go out tonight with a friend, so you guys can definitely keep him till tomorrow morning."

"Good. Is it alright if we come around six to pick him up?"

"6 o'clock is just fine Joe. I'll see you then."

"See you then, hon."


Okay...Maybe this is a sign that I do need to go out and have some fun. I don't think cheating is the answer to what's going on with me and Jordan right now, but if I wind up doing it at least I'm doing something for me for once. Maybe I can blame it on the liquor and what he doesn't know can't hurt him...right? Tonight is going to be about me and my needs. And I'm going to enjoy myself. I'm putting the rest in fate's hands. Hopefully, she won't steer me wrong.

***Later that night***

"I'm all ready." I laughed while giving Angie a little twirl before I entered her car.

"Yes girl!" she giggled and snapped her fingers, as I sat down, "You gon' scoop all the lil menz at the club tonight."

"Please." I rolled my eyes, "If my husband was giving me the dick I deserve I wouldn't even be out worrying about other men-" I cut myself off before I got too carried away.

" definitely need some ding-a-ling in you, honey." she said grabbing her clutch. She reached inside and handed me a small can of pepper spray and a condom. She offered it to me.

"Angela you can't be serious?!" I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"What?! I'm your best friend and I only want what's best for you. The pepper spray is for any crazy ass that tries you tonight and the condom is for protection. You do not know what these men could be carrying or something."

"You do know you're making this even worse for me. The only man I've ever had sex with is Jordan and I vowed not to cheat on him so, no!" I slightly pushed the contents away from me.

"Y/N please. You do not know what could happen tonight, okay? Just take them. I don't want you getting hurt."

I hesitated and sighed before I relented and grabbed the items to throw them in my purse.

"That's my girl." she said lightly patting my back and smiling, "Let's go enjoy ourselves."

"Mmhm." I said gazing out the window. I have butterflies and I've never felt so guilty. What if I actually wind up fucking some random guy? There are a billion things that could go wrong. I hope I don't get carried away.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora