Patience is a Virtue

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After seeing the message, I really just wanted to be alone to conjure up a plan before I go to him. If I show up with nothing, I'll wind up dead or losing my son. And I'm not ready for either option.

I made it home and took a shower. I spent over an hour just sulking in my room. The next I spent blaming myself for all this drama. Then, after slapping some sense into myself, I put on some clothes and went to the police station.

I walked inside the building and asked the officer on desk duty if I could speak to Green.

"He's actually busy right now. Come back some other time." he said rudely.

"But I really need to talk to him." I urged.

He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation," I understand ma'am, but-"

"But what?" I interrupted, "He's "too busy"? Hm, well explain what the fuck he's doing that would make him so busy? Why isn't he running around and making moves to find my son?! Or trying to find the psycho who pushed my husband off of a building?! Is he too busy finding Blue's Clues? Or is he solving mysteries with fucking Inspector Gadget?! I've got someone ruining my life and harming my family! So get him here-"

"Mrs. Calloway!" someone called. I turned my head to the left and saw Green standing there in shock and confusion.

I marched towards him, "I need to speak to you. Now."

"Fine." he sighed, "Follow me."

He opened his office door and let me enter first before coming inside and shutting the door behind him.

"You can have a se-"

"I'll stand if that's alright with you." I interjected.

"Fine. What can I help you with?"

"Nothing." I spat, "Your sorry ass has done jack shit to help me. My husband is lying unconscious in a hospital bed and my son is still not home. Yet, I come in here and your punk ass deputy tells me "you're busy"."


"I'm not done! If you were so busy, my life wouldn't be in shambles right now!"

There was long moment of silence. I let out a deep breath,

"I don't mean to be so harsh, but you need to understand where I'm coming from. You haven't done anything when it comes to Aidan. Now Jordan is injured?! I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place!-"

"I didn't bring this onto your family, Mrs.
Calloway. If it weren't for your past misdeeds, then your life and the wellbeing of your family would not be in danger."

"Excuse me...?" I quirked my eyebrow at him.

He sighed, "I can't be held responsible for this. Your actions cause a reaction. So, Mrs. Calloway, you can't be upset when those reactions are negative."

I scoffed at his statement and rolled my eyes, "You don't think I realize that?! I know what I did was wrong! But, since you know everything and you're so wise with your badge and uniform," I gestured to his navy blue attire, "tell me why the legal system let a psychopathic asshole back into the real world. Your system is so "perfect" and "just", right?" I leaned forward in my seat, "Then why are you still sitting here on your ass while innocent people are being murdered and kidnapped at the fault of your trusty buddies at the asylum? No, better yet, why are your deputies..." I turned in my heels, facing the door, and walked out the door into the busy workspace. I walked over to an overweight pig munching on a half empty box of donuts. "Perfect fucking example! Look, your employee is over here is doing nothing but sitting and eating when he could be out on the field trying to track down the bastard who took my child and almost killed my husband!" I was getting so angry that I was tearing up. I didn't care that everyone around me had went silent and were gawking at my loud behavior.

"Yes! I know that I'm responsible for this, but so is the old man who left his door unlocked last night and got robbed. So is the girl who wouldn't have gotten her identity stolen if she didn't leave her credit card on the fast food counter. Because when it comes down to it, people are going to make mistakes and that's why you're and the rest of these fuckers are supposed to help the people who fucked up. That's what you do! So I'm asking you...when are you gonna help me?!" we both stared into each others eyes with anger and frustration. We stopped noticing the silence around us.

"Everybody, back to work!" he shouted and the people around us started buzzing around like worker bees. He motioned me back to his office.

When we situated, he spoke to me again,

"Listen, I can't help you. We don't have a clue where he is and we don't have sufficient evidence to apprehend him considering the circumstances. The trouble you and your husband had would cause the judge to immediately believe it was an attempt at suicide. They'd never give us a warrant for Neverson. Sorry." he stated plainly and walked back to his desk to sort papers.

I rolled my eyes at his asshole like behavior.

Well...since they can't help me. I have no choice but to help myself.

I got up silently and walked out. I knew it would come to this. I knew I'd have to do this alone. I was just hoping I wouldn't have to.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon