Action, Reaction

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I shot up out of bed in a sweat. I was in a panicky mood. Something felt terribly wrong and I didn't know why. Just as I was about to reach for my cell phone, it rang. The number looked oddly familiar. It just so happened that the number belonged to Off. Green. I quickly answered,

"Hello, Officer Green. Is every thing okay? Did you find Aidan? Is he alright-"

"Ms. Calloway, I have some news regarding your husband." he interjected.

"W-What happened?" I could only think of the worse and what I heard next confirmed my beliefs.

He said that someone witnessed Jordan fall to the pavement and called 911. When the ambulance arrived, Jordan was unresponsive and barely breathing. They'd rushed him to the nearest ER and they immediately scanned and got him prepped for surgery. They believe that he may have tried to commit suicide.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I'm distraught and confused. How could this happen? Jordan is a good man and the love of my life. There is no way he would commit suicide. He's always smiling and his career just took on new heights. There's just no way.

I rushed on some clothes and got out of the house and to the hospital as fast as I could. The ride there would usually be 40 minutes, but with the way I was driving it only took me 20.

I ran through the emergency entrance and ran to the reception area,

Out of breath and breaking a sweat I spoke to the woman sitting there, "Excuse me, my husband came in not too long ago. His name is Jordan Calloway. He was in a s-serious fall. They told me he was getting scanned on the phone. Can I get to him? Is he still in surgery?"

"Ma'am, he just went into the OR. When the surgeons get out of surgery, I'll let them know you're here and they'll talk with you then." she said.

I sighed, "Where should I wait?"

"Right over there," she pointed left to an empty waiting room. I thanked her and sat in the corner of the room.

For a straight four and a half hours, I paced back and forth, drank copious amounts of coffee, prayed, cried and prayed some more. Every second I spent alone in the waiting area was more
agonizing than the last. It wasn't until the doctor confronted me did I finally breathe.

"Mrs. Calloway...?" a middle aged black female in teal scrubs and her hair tied up stood a few feet away from me. She had deep chocolate skin and wore black framed lenses. She had a clip board in her hands.

"Yes? That's me. How's my husband? Can I see him?"

"Well," she sat in the seat beside me, "your husband was in one of the worst conditions I've ever witnessed. He had some major head trauma. His skull was split on the right side from the front to the back. He has a serious concussion and we are able to stop the bleeding in his brain. We didn't want to perform any other surgeries, which he needs several of. He still has 7 broken ribs, his right leg is completely shattered, the left ankle also shattered because of the impact. Luckily the ribs didn't puncture any vitals. He will be the SICU for a while before we move him to ICU. The bleeding may have stopped now, but we never know. He needs a lot of rest. You can visit him in a few minutes, but he'll be unresponsive due to the anesthesia."

"Thank God he's still alive. I'm just...I'm still in shock as to how they believe he jumped. It's not like him to do something like that."

"That's the thing..." she gave me a suggestive look, "While we were getting him prepped for surgery we noticed that his PET scans didn't match the scans of people who suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts. In fact, his brain pre-trauma is completely healthy. It's highly unlikely that he'd jump and it's even more unlikely for him to accidentally fall over the barrier."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked sitting up straighter.

"I'm saying that...what if...someone was up there with him. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that he was forced to fall off of the building." she continued.

Then it all clicked. The only person who'd wish bad on Jordan is also my #1 enemy.


More tears welled in my eyes. I'd done this. I might as well have put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. If I had never fooled around with that lunatic,we wouldn't be here. If Jordan dies then I'm a murderer and a betrayer. I vowed to protect him and love him, but I violated that promise. I'm disgusted with myself.

"I've already informed the detectives about my conclusions, but for now I'll take you back so you can see him."

I wiped my eyes, followed her to the SICU, and thanked her for her help. She walked off and I stood outside the door, preparing myself for the worse.

With a shaking hand and a deep breath, I turned the handle and pushed the door forward.

There he lied. His head wrapped in a thick white gauze, face covered in bruises and cuts, his legs were propped up so his bones would stay in place, and his arm was in a sling. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying loudly. The steady beep of his heart monitor calmed me down.

'He's still here. He's weak. And you need to be strong for him.' I said to myself. But silent tears still fell.

I sat in the chair facing him. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I was so afraid. He looked so fragile that I thought I might break him.

I examined his body closely. He was hooked up to several machines, some for his heart and the others for his brain.

All I could do was watch his chest rise and fall with each breath he took.

Finally, I felt sure enough to place my hand over his. And I spoke to him,

"I can't believe this happened....When they called me, I knew the news couldn't be good. My heart is still pounding....I would do anything to take your place. I'd rather myself be trapped in this room and going in and out of the operating room. I feel like this is my fault. I'm guilty of hurting you in more ways than I can count...and I'm sorry...I know what happened to you wasn't an accident. You know as much as I do that he was there. I know it and I feel it. So, I'm gonna put a stop to this. In a few hours I'm gonna go get our son. And I'll make damn sure that that devil pays for what he did to you and our family. I put that on everything. I'll make him suffer till his last breath...You can bet on it, baby."

I sighed and wiped the last of my tears. I stood up from my seated position and gently kissed his swollen cheek.

As I turned away, my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

5:34 am
I'm sorry about what happened to Jordan. 😕 I heard about it on the news. If you want to talk, I have a lodge in the San Jacinto Mountains. I'll send you the directions. It'll be just like old times. When it was just you and me. Only difference is that we have Aidan with us, now. I can't wait to see you

I glanced at the text and sighed. After tonight, everything will go back to the way it was. And I'm getting Trey out of our lives for good.

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