"And what is your idea of a date? Dinner and a movie followed up by sex?" Camille asked rolling her eyes.

"Uhh no.... but even if it was what's wrong with dinner and a movie? That's what's wrong with women these days they criticize men for trying, what should it matter if it's just dinner and a movie as long as the conversation is good and you have a good time it shouldn't matter if it's dinner and a movie or a walk around the park." I said looking into her eyes and then she faltered for a second but recovered quickly.

"It doesn't matter because I'm not going on a date with you because dating leads to a relationship, being in a relationship leads to love and love is the biggest joke on the fuckin planet." Camille said across her arms. "So I don't have time for dates and just because you love me doesn't mean I'm going to give in to your demands."

"What makes you think I love you?" I asked smirking, Camille got up and started to walk out the room but I stopped her by pinning her to the door. "I asked you a question Cammy, what makes I love you........ the reason you said is because you know beneath that layer of ice you got covering your heart you love me too. We've been in love since we were teenagers...... you're just afraid that you'll get hurt." I said my lips inches from hers.

"Because my family is cursed...... none of the hetero relationships seem to last very long; my parents, Noah and Jade, Domo and Vanessa are either arguing or fuckin, Ivanna is young and stupid in love with Armani honestly I think the only solid relationship is my Uncle Sa'Vion and Aunt Keirra, as well as Uncle Marsean and Aunt Tonya........" Camille said. "It's just sad because if Noah finds out the truth about what Jade did he'll........." Camille froze realizing she had almost slipped up but the damage was already done.

"You know what she's hiding..... why haven't you told Noah? Matter fact here's a better question how long have you known about the whole Juelz situation?" I asked.

"It's not any of my business......" Camille said pushing me away, she walked out my room and I was torn because on one hand I was really feeling Camille but Noah was my boy.... I looked up to him when we were younger and I could either keep my shut to earn Camille's trust or stick to the bro code and let him know his little cousin knew what his wife was hiding. I decided to Facetime Noah and see where his head was at in this whole situation before making my finally decision.

"Wassup?" Noah said and I could see Troix in the background yelling at the t.v., I shook my head because that little boy was beyond bad but that was my little homie.

"I'm just calling to see how you're feeling and to see what's going on with you and Jade." I said waiting.

"I don't know man we haven't really been talking, I'm still in Boston with this little monster." Noah said then there was a small tussle and Troix popped up with the phone.

"UNCA LAY!!!!" Troix said smiling. "DADDY'S PERCENT IS GONE!" Then that little punk hung up on me, a couple seconds later Noah called back laughing.

"My bad bro, that's the lie I tell people when I don't want to talk to them; that my phone is about to die and I hang letting them think my phone is dead. I guess Troix heard me telling my mom that I had a low percentage and copied me..... how's things going on Saint Trinity?"

"It's coo so far aside from that Odion situation......" I said quietly.

"Yeah I heard about that, but back to me and Jade..... I want this to work because I know she loves me and I know she's sorry for fucking up and despite everything I still love her, you can't just give up on love just because of a few issues. So I've decided to forgive her for the whole Juelz shyt..... but not forget." Noah said, I guess I was going to have to keep what I heard to myself for now.

"I feel it...... well I was just calling to check on you, we're about to hit this yacht and hopefully Camille stops playing and finally gives me a chance." I said laughing. After talking with Noah for a couple more minutes (and getting called a bitch by Troix) I hung up and finished getting dressed when there was a knock on my door and Saint walked in with that dude Quamir. "Uhh wassup?" I asked looking in his eyes. 

"I need your assistance on something....." Saint said quietly and they began to lay out their plan for dealing with Saint's younger brother Juelz..........................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Things in this story are about to start getting a little crazy but before I get to the drama I want to have fun with some of these characters first, so which of these would you be the most interested in read;

a) A sex chapter between any characters on the island

b) Ace's Island Adventure

c) Mario's Sex Dungeon

d) Cortez, JD, Julio and Jayvion's Experiment

e) All of the Above

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