Chapter 43 - Whole

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Chloe's Pov:

I curled up with Ricky on the sofa and for the first time in a couple months, everything felt perfect. I feel whole. It is amazing.

We were watching the notebook together and even though this film makes me so upset every time I watch it, right now I couldn't be happier. Everything about this moment feels amazing and I don't know what I would be able to do without Ricky right now.

"Chloe?" Ricky asked me, his fingers running through my curls.
"Hmmm" I replied, not forming words.
"I just want you to know that whatever happens, and however many times I screw up I will always be there for you through everything. Even if we end up just being friends." He said and the look in his eyes made my heart melt.
"I love you Ricky" I replied. Staring into those deep eyes.

This boy is my life. I settled down into his lap and slowly began to drift to sleep.


I hopped off of the plane to look around for Libby and her car. I couldn't find her anywhere and started to get really worried. I'm one of those people that always has to worry about everything.

After searching for Libby for a good twenty minutes. My attention was drawn to the big screen. Where everyone else in the room was looking. I grinned when I saw the face.

It was Ricky, with Casey in his lap. (Our dog). He started to speak.
"Hello, everyone.
I'm so very sorry if I interrupted anything that you are doing and please feel free to ignore me if you wish. I just wanted to admit that I'm an idiot. I have done something terrible and I will never be able to take it back. By doing that I hurt the girl I love and I will never be able to forgive myself. Chloe, can I just say that I don't expect you to forgive me for my mistakes, I don't expect you to ever talk to me again. But there is a seed of hope inside me that is wishing that you will at least listen to me. I have no explanation, I am not tying to say that what I did wasn't wrong and I can't excuse myself from what I did. I just wanted to say that if you love me, as much as I love you. I'm hoping you can over look that and at least give us another chance. You know where to find me. I love you." The screen went blank.

Everyone in the room was looking at me and I was shell shocked. I couldn't move and I could barely breathe. That experience just knocked the wind out of me. I had no idea what to say bit the only thing I did know was that I had to find Ricky, immediately.


I woke from my dream with a grin on my face, loving reliving the memory. I rolled over to see the most perfect boy beside me, fast asleep. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I don't deserve him.

A/n: Oohhh! Chlicky is back bitchezz! Comment your thoughts! Only a couple chapters left!!!!! Ily all! Only 2 more chaps now!!
Stay cloudy☁️

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