Chapter 17 - Tests Pt. 2

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Chloe's Pov:

I started to tear off the tissue paper as quickly as possible and saw that the now was from a jewellry store. The first thing in the little box was a note, which I lifted up to reveal the most beautiful necklace and earrings that I had even seen in my life. I smiled huge, before reading through the note.

We'll done, your ticking all the boxes;) keep the box with you. now try this one, go to the room where we first promised to be best friends for life.
I love you.

I knew this one. I made a mad dash for the stairs and started to run up them two at a time. When I reached the top I took a left turn and ran to the end of the hallway. Nearing the door with the Chloe's Room sign on it, from my childhood bedroom and ran inside. Just as I thought, on my old bed was another pale pink rose with another note.

You're doing good. Now, can you remember our comfort food as kids. And we would spend hours in your room talking and eating. Find that certain food in this room for your next surprise;)
I love you.

What the hell was this boy trying to do. And I thought it was really sweet how he was putting I love you at the end of every note. I hope he isn't trying too hard, I'm not worth it, I know I'm not. I don't deserve him as it is.

A tear began to roll down my cheek. I swatted it away immediately. No, Chloe now come on, malteasers. I thought back to when we were younger, smiling at the memories. One particular memory stood out. When my parents divorced and Ricky came around from next door, we were only seven and we spent the night eating malteasers and watching movies and talking. We fell asleep and spent the whole of the next day doing the exact same.

I started searching through all of the drawers and my closet and under my bed, eventually finding the box behind my curtain in the corner of my window ledge. I saw a note and another small box wrapped in paper. I teared the paper off and opened the box to see a hair pin. Just one single hair pin.

Keep this with you you will need to give it to me later:) also keep the malteasers. Now head to the place we spent all of our days in the summer. Between my house and yours.
I love you.

I pulled up my window before stepping onto the little Wooden bridge that mine and Ricky's dads had built all those years ago. I walked across and into the tree house we used to share. There was also a bridge on the other side, leading to Ricky's bedroom window. It was really so cool. On the floor in the middle of the tree house was a really large box wrapped in pink paper, with a rose and a note taped to it. I peeled off the paper and opened the box to see a pair of black platform heels. I smiled at them, they were Pantent and looked absolutely beautiful, I slipped them back into the box and opened the note.

Doesn't it bring back memories being up here babe? I thought the same, anyway now I need you to head to the final place, where we shared our first kiss. See you soon. I love you. Ricky.

I walked back across the bridge and out of my house to see the driver still there from this morning to see that the driver was still waiting.

"I presume you have everything you need" he smiled.

"Yes, Thankyou" I smiled

"So where to now, madam?" He asked.

"Pleas, call me Chloe. And to the hospital if you don't mind" I smiled at him in the rear view mirror and he returned it, starting up the engine and beginning to drive.

A/n: oooohhh tension!!! Comment what you think? Ily all!
Stay cloudy☁️

Love Me? - A Ricky Dillon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now