Chapter 23 - Cant Do This

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Connors Pov:

I can't do this. Connor you can't do this. Not to Ricky, not to Chloe, not to yourself. I can't fall for my best friend this is not right. Maybe I should just leave it and see how the day goes.

Chloe's Pov:

"Why is Connor acting so weird?" I asked Ricky as we wiped up the last of the whipped cream off of the floor.
"I have no idea. Do you think I should go and check on him?" He asked me with a smile.
"Yeah, sure. I'll finish up here" I returned the smile and continued to wipe up the whipped cream as Chloe walked out of the room.

Connors Pov:

I was brought out from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I called out a weak come in and Ricky entered the room. I forced a smile at him. This guilt is eating me alive.
"Hey, con da Bon. You okay?" He asked me, looking over at me. I can't believe he's being so nice to me, I don't deserve his kindness he doesn't no what I'm doing to him. Should I tell him? No, I have to wait. I might just be over reacting.
"Yes, I'm good thanks rick." I smiled back at him.
"Okay. Want me to stay here and watch a movie with you or something?" He asked, why is he trying to be so nice? I don't deserve this. This isn't fair on him. Okay, calm down Connor.
"Nah, it's okay. Im fine go back to Chloe. Think I'm gonna go see Trevor later anyways." What else was I supposed to say.
"Kay, see ya con" he smiled, before walking out.
"Bye" I whispered to nothing after he had gone.

Ricky's Pov:

I have no idea what is up with Connor but I can tell there is something going on. Me and Chloe both can. I walked back into the kitchen and Chloe was fineshed cleaning up, with a hopeful and worried look on her face. I have to cheer her up. I smiled like there was no problem at all.
"Hey" I smiled walking over and pecking her lips, then nose, then her left cheek then right cheek. Then her chin then both temples. She began to giggle and I returned to her lips, kissing her with so much passion it caused my stomach to do front flips. When we pulled away she gazed deep into my eyes, causing me to get lost inside her blue orbs.
"I love you so much" she whispered.
"I love you way more" I smiled.
"Now c'mon let's go watch mean girls" she laughed.
"Yaaaaaaasss, queen!" I yelled.
"Can we get Starbucks first?" She asked hopefully.
"You white girl" I laughed and grabbed my keys. We headed out of the door.

A/n: here we go! New one soon. Comment what you think! Ily all.
Stay cloudy☁️

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