Chapter 22 - Oh No

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Ricky's Pov:

I woke up with a smile on my face. I had done it. I had shown that girl how much I love her. And I hope she feels the same. I have also seen visible changes in her, she doesn't seem too unhappy anymore. I haven't seen any scars across her arms. I'm proud of her, she doesn't deserve to be unhappy.

I look over to see my perfect girl sound asleep beside me. I started to drink in every detail of her. The way her long thick eyelashes rest perfectly on her cheekbones. The way her blonde bangs sweep gracefully across her face. The way her pink lips part into a slight o when she is sleeping. The only think that could make this view any more perfect would be staring into those perfect crystal blue orbs of hers. But I can't wake her, I couldn't do that to her, she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Instead I roll out of my bed and make my way down to the kitchen.

Chloe's Pov:

When I woke up Ricky wasn't next to me. I smiled to my self at the memory of last. No we didn't have sex, dirty bastards. He is just so sweet, I can't believe I actually have him. I stood up and headed out of Ricky's room and down the stairs.

Ricky's Pov:

I was cooking the pancakes when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Good Morning, Baby" she whispered in my ear.
"Hey, beautiful" I turned around to peck her on the lips before getting on with the pancakes.
"Yum!" She said, and I laughed.
"You love breakfast that much?" I laughed, winking at her.
"I wasn't talking about the pancakes" she said. We both erupted in fits of giggles.


"I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry" I tried to bite back my laughter as I wiped the smear of whipped cream off of her cheek.
"You will be" she said and she picked up the syrup covered pancake and wiped it all across my forehead.
"Oh it's on" I said, throwing the reel to the side and spraying whipped cream from one side of her face to the to the other.

Connors Pov:

I walked into the kitchen to see wat all the noise was about. Ricky and Chloe were rolling around on the floor, covered in whipped cream and syrup.
"C'mon you guys are you serious?" I sighed, looking at them with a disappointed look on my face. Chloe grinned up at me? Why is she so perfect? Wait, what? I am not allowed to think this. "Just clean this mess up' I muttered and walked back upstairs to my room. Oh no.

A/n: Oohhh twist;) comment your thoughts. Ily all.
Stay cloudy☁️

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