Chapter 16 - Tests

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Chloe's Pov:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes groggily. I rolled over, expecting Ricky to be there beside me, instead my hand hit something. I looked down to see a pink rose with a piece of paper tied around it. I untied the paper and read it.

Dear Chloe,

Sorry I wasn't there to wake up beside you but I'm sure you'll forgive me later:) anyways, get up, have a shower and get dressed, then go into the kitchen.

I love you


I smiled to myself and rolled out of bed, I hopped in the shower and dried myself off, before pulling on navy blue high waisted jeans and a purple crop top. I brushed my hair out and left it in its natural waves, then applied my light make up and pulled on navy blue converse. I headed downstairs.

When I turned the door into the kitchen I expected to see Ricky in the kitchen. My face showed a slight frown, when I saw he wasn't there. My frown faded when I saw a plate of pancakes and syrup on the table. There was another pale pink rose at the side of my plate, with another note.

Hey baby,

Your favourite breakfast. Eat up and then head outside at 12.

Love you.


I glanced at my phone to see that it was 11:35. I started to munch on my pancakes and I poured myself a glass of orange juice. By the time I had fineshed it was almost 12. I threw in some gum, grabbed my phone and headed outside, closing the door behind me.

From the door of my apartment through all of the halls and outside into the car park was a trail of pale pink rose petals. This boy. My heart jumped at the thought of him. I followed the trail to see a car at the end. The driver opened the door for me and I climbed in. On the seat beside me I could see another pink rose. I smiled and began to read the note.

I see you followed my instructions;) Now think back to the place where we first laid eyes on eachother at 3 years old. Tell the driver the address.

Love you.


I thought back, raking my mind until it hit me. I told the driver the address of my family home and he began to drive. I hopped out of the car when we pulled up and skipped down the drive until I reached my front door. I saw that there was another pale pink rose on the door. I pulled it off and untangled the note.

We'll done babe. Now another test for you, can you remember the exact room where we first met? Head there.

Love you.


I walked into my house to see mum and Mel stood in the lounge smirking at me. They knew what he was planning and as much as I wanted to make them tell me I love surprises too much. I walked through into the kitchen and to no surprise I saw a pink rose sat on the island.

Dear Chloe,

We'll done, you have a great memory:) Now look in the cupboard where you once knocked a glass onto the floor and i laughed so hard water came out of my nose.

Love you


I giggled quietly at the memory, and opened the glass cupboard door, where they were still stored in the same place. I saw a little box wrapped in pale pink tissue paper and my chest heaved up and down in excitement.

A/n: oooohhh cliffhanger! Nearly 1.5k reads!?!? Ty so so much guys!! I will have new chap up soon! Comment what you think. Oh btw I am thinking of starting a nash grier fanfiction to upload once I finish this one. Thoughts? Should I or not? Comment your thoughts.

Stay cloudy☁️

-Charlie x

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