Chapter 25 - Revealed

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Chloe's Pov:

Andrea? He is in love with Andrea? Or does he mean jenn? Her and jc have been dating a while.
"I want her, trevor." I heard from inside. "I wish she was mine."
"You need to tell Ricky." He is going to tell Ricky he loves Andrea or jenn?!
What the fuck why?
"How am I supposed to tell Ricky that I'm in love with his girlfriend?" My breath caught in my throat. Me?! Connor is crying because he is in love with me?! I had to hold onto the wall to stop myself from falling over.

The tears began to stream down my face, and I started to remember how to breathe. Me? Why me? I ran into Ricky's bathroom, gripping one of his razors in my hand. I need to do this. I sliced through my arm. Once. Twice. Three, four, five times. I had 5 deep gashed across my arm.

It wasn't until I stopped crying and the smell of the blood had began to make me dizzy that I realised I was losing a lot of blood. I washed the cuts and Ricky's razor before I bandaged my arm and put everything back into the same place. I grabbed some tissue and began to wipe my eyes.

I gave up when the tears started to flood again. I can't do this. I am a terrible human being. I am causing connor the very pain that sucked me into a deep black hole. The very pain that made me only see the bad things in life. I can't do that to connor. But what about Ricky? What am I supposed to do about him? I can't lose him, not after I have wanted him for so long. He is too good for me, I can't hurt him.

I am so torn. I need to stay with Ricky but I can't cause connor this pain. It is the worst thing in the works and I don't need connor to do anything stupid or anything that he shouldnt. And as much as I want to end Connors pain I can't hurt Ricky. I need him in my life. At that moment I did the only thing I could. I rushed into Kian's room.

A/n: ooooohhh! Comment what you think.
Stay cloudy☁️

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