Gaster Blaster Model 2

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As soon as they got inside the lab they saw a security video of Frisk on a big T.V screen as they moved ahead with the thought that it was kinda creepy as Frisk, Carter, Gaster and Redyne moved ahead and soon the lights were turned on as a dinosaur creature and a cross soul stepped out of the bathroom "Im just saying the Ama-lga-" *play music* The human stopped as they saw the group of 4 in the lab "Uh, Alphys, you left the door unlocked, didn't you?" The human asked the dinosaur as they now saw them and started freaking out "Oh god! I haven't dressed, or showered or even brushed my-" She suddenly calmed down "H-Hi! i'm Alphys! Im Asgore's royal scientist! And this is my a-assistant Rose!" They dinosaur explained as a weird noise came from the bathroom "Um, I guess you have toilet trouble?" Carter asked suspiciously "O-Oh, T-That's just the pipes, we've b-been working on a n-new p-pipe system!" Rose said as Gaster opened the door "Down here used to be my lab actually, I am Dr.WD Gaster, I was the royal scientist before Alphys!" Gaster explained as he headed down an elevator and soon a Gaster Blaster shot could be heard underneath them as Gaster came out of the door riding on top of a Gaster Blaster at top speed and soon stopped instantly in front of Carter as several more came after "here's the Gaster Blaster mark 2! You can fire a lot more at once now and you can also ride them! It will make getting to Asgore a lot easier And it even has gravity stabilizers built in so you don't fall off unless you jump off! I found my blueprints for it at the start of the place, who knew it would be that easy!" Gaster exclaimed as they suddenly disappeared and a loud clunking noise could be heard from the wall "Oh god, Brace for a human killer robot!"*stop music* Rose yelled as the robot Frisk saw on Napstablook's T.V was suddenly right in front of them as disco balls raved flashy colors along the walls "Greeting beauty's and gentle beauty's!" The robot yelled as he spoke into the microphone "today we have a group of contestants ready to participate in our quiz show! There's only one rule! Answer correctly, or you die!" The robot said as the world turned black and white


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