Falling Over Me

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Demi's POV

I hate what I did to Niall. I can't stop thinking about it! I like Niall but I love Nick. I know that I can't have both.

But I know what I have to do. I have to drop both of them. I need to focus on Alex. I need to do my job as a parent. I haven't spent like any time with her and she's so mad at me.

I never want her to be mad at me!

I went downstairs and heard the doorbell ring. I answered the door and saw Niall standing there.

Niall- Hi

Demi- Hey, can we talk?

Niall- Yeah

Demi- Come in.

We walked towards the couch and sat down.

Niall- So I wanted to say something. I just needed to get it off my chest.

Demi- Me to..

Niall- You can go first.

Demi- We'll I just wanted to apologize for last night. But I love Nick and I don't want to lie to you. I really like you to and I love you as best friend but it's not meant to be. I just need you to understand that.

Niall- I understand. Demi I love you and nothing can change that but I know that I can't have you. That's why I cancelled the apartment and am moving back to Ireland.

Demi- No Niall don't do that because of me! You deserve to live your life!

Niall- Staying here would mean that I would most likely see you a lot and seeing breaks me inside. I just I can't stand seeing you and knowing I can't just run up and kiss you.

Demi- But Niall!

Niall- Stop Demi. I can't.

We both started tearing up. Me more than him.

Niall- Goodbye Demi..

Demi- Niall wait!!

He closed the door before I could stop him. That was it. I'll never be able to be his friend. He's gonna hate me forever and there's nothing I could do about it.

I walked into the kitchen realizing Nick was in there the whole time. So that probably means he heard everything.

Demi- You didn't happen to hear any of that did you?

Nick- Just enough.

He ran over and kissed me. It felt perfect. Sparks. That's what I didn't have with Niall. I wanted there to be but there wasn't.

With Nick there were definitely sparks! It just felt perfect like nothing could make this moment ruined.

Until Joe walked in the door and saw me and Nick kissing.

Joe- NICK!

Nick- Oh my god Joe, it's uh. uh.

Demi- Joe calm down.

Joe- Calm down! How am I supposed to calm down when I just saw something I hoped would never happen!

Demi- What do you mean!?

Joe- I knew you liked Nick and I knew Nick loved you but ugh I don't know. I'm just gonna go..

Joe left and me and Nick went into the living room.

Nick- Umm so I don't know what I'm suppose to say. I think I should go, ill text you later.

Demi- Uh yeah, bye Nick.

Nick left and I went upstairs to get Alex when I heard her crying. I walked in to her room to find her cutting herself.

Alex- GET OUT!

Demi- Alex stop! Why are you doing this! You have been clean for so long!

Alex- No! I haven't you just stopped caring to check and see if I stopped! All you care about is those stupid guys! I'm worthless to you now!

Demi- Alex your not worthless to me I love you! I do care about you!

Alex- Oh really? We'll if you care so much what happened to you promising me today would be just us hanging out!

Demi- Oh my god! Alex I'm so sorry I got distracted! I will make it up to you, I swear this time!

Alex- Demi I don't believe you. You keep telling me things and they never happen! Just go away.

Demi- No. I'm not leaving! Now give me that blade.

Alex- Fine take it. I have plenty more. But you probably don't care, you'll just forget by tonight an go hang out with Nick!

I started crying and fell to the floor, this whole time Alex has been cutting.

Even when she told me that she stopped and that every time she me told me that she was okay she actually wasn't.

And I believed her. How stupid am I? You can't just stop out of the blue.

Demi- I can't do this. I'm going I break up with Nick and it's just going to be you and me, no guys just me and you. That's it. I have to be a good parent and focus on you. I need to help you get better. That was like the main reason I adopted you and I'm not even .doing it.

Alex's POV

I don't care if she breaks up with Nick. She's just going to forget about all this and I'm gonna end up back we're I am now.

The sad thing is it's true, and over time Demi will think everything's better and not even notice...


Wow, there's a lot of fixing that needs to take place. What's going on with Alex and Tyler. Will Demi actually break up with Nick!?

Next Update: Wednesday

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