In Real Life

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Alex's POV

I can't believe Demi is in a colma. How the hell could this happen. Demi's in a colma, my "mom" is dead. How could my life get any worse?

I can't even cry anymore. I've cried so much that it's like physically impossible for more tears to come out.

I've been staying at the hospital since I was released.

I got hungry so I went down to the hospital's cafeteria.

I was walking towards the elevator when I saw that boy. The boy that saved my life.

Alex- HEY!

What's his name again Hayes? He was with someone that looked some what like him.

Hayes- Oh my god hi!

Alex- Why are you here!?

Hayes- I came to check on you.

Nash- So I'm guessing your the girl that Hayes saved.

Alex- Yeah...who are you?

Nash- I'm his brother.

Hayes- So anyways, how are you?

Alex- I'm better but my mom, we'll not my actual mom but Demi is in a colma..

Hayes- Oh I'm so sorry.

Alex- It's ok.

Nash- I'm sorry.

Hayes- So I was wondering if maybe you would want to come with me and Nash to a big vine meet up? Ya know just to get your mind off this for a while.

Alex- Um sure I guess that sounds cool but umm...whats vine?

They both started laughing at me but I honestly had no clue what was going on.

Nash- It's an app were you make videos, I guess you could say that were vine famous.

Alex- Oh that's cool.

We left the hospital and started driving to the vine meet up or watever it was.

Nash seems cool and really funny, I don't want to admit it but I kind of like Hayes. I mean he saved my life.

We got to Nash's house and I saw so many people just lounging around.

Alex- This is crazy!

I whispered to Hayes.

Hayes- Don't worry I got your back.

Ok yeah I'm developing major feelings for this kid...OH SHIT! Tyler! Oh my god I totally forgot that I'm fucking in a relationship...

___________________________________________________________________________Nothing special but tell me what you guys think. Talex or Halyex?

Next Update: Monday

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