A New Beginning

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Alex's POV

I'm sitting in my room looking at old pictures of Hayes and I. When all the good times come flooding back to me. We ended it on good terms but we don't really talk anymore.

I get lost in my train of thought when I hear Demi knocking on my bedroom door.

Demi- Hey babe get ready we're going to meet up with the girls of Fifth Harmony today.

I scream in my head and do a happy dance because I'm obsessed with them!

Hayes- Kk be right down!

Oh my god, I go through like seven thousand outfits until I see something over by my shoes that catches my eye. It's a leather skirt and a bright red crop top. I put that on and run down stairs.

Demi- That's a little showy don't ya think Alex?

Alex- oh be quiet mom you know I look fabulous.


We finally arrive at the house and it's huge! Well I guess it has to be since 5 people live there.

We walk inside and I see Dinah and Normani sitting on the couch.

Dinah- Oh hey Demi!!! Yay you brought Alex! What's up?

Normani- Heyy!

Wow I didn't think they would even remember me.

Demi- Yeah she wanted to come see you guys, how have you've been?!

I never said I wanted to come? I laughed to myself how she's gotten so used to talking for me.

Dinah- Were go-

She stops as Camila comes in singing very loudly about pizza.

Camila- Ohhhh...wow, this is embarrassing. Hey Demz. Alex. Sorry you had to witness that.

We all laugh and go into the kitchen.

Demi- Where's the other 2 out of 5??

Dinah- Ally is in her room and Lauren is somewhere idk?

Dinah goes off to find Ally and them and Normani starts talking to Demi but I kind of zone out. Two seconds later I find myself wandering the house when I hear...crying?

I walk further towards it and it's coming from behind a closed door. I open it and find Lauren sitting on the floor in tears.

I immediately run towards her and ask her what's wrong.

Alex- Hey! Why are crying? What happened?

She looked up with her sad but strangely beautiful eyes.

Lauren- I..um...oh hey Alex, I'm fine just venting about some things. How have you been, I haven't seen you in a while?

Alex- I'm good, I broke up with my boyfriend a little while ago and I'm trying to act like I don't care soo that's going pretty well.

We both laugh in unison and I go and sit next to her on the floor.

Lauren- I know right! Boys are jerks.

Alex- Is that why you're crying?

Lauren- Yeah. My boyfriend just left me because the distance was to much to handle but honestly I think he just found someone else.

Alex- Well you shouldn't be crying over him, it'll ruin that beautiful face of yours!

Wow did I really just say that because I don't think I meant to??

Lauren- Thanks, you're sweet.

We kind of stare at each oter for a minute till I break the silence.

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