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I didnt want to say something she probably gets everyday like "OMG i love you, your my idol, you saved my life!" even though she actually did save my life! I knew that would probably bore her to death. I wanted to say something unique and original, something she most likely never heard. Maybe I should show her my cuts?

Nahh that would be too hard and I would chicken out! I could talk about my cuts though and all my other problems. I felt so close to her because we had all the same problems! We both cut, had a bulimia/anerexia and we bother bipolar. Maybe I should say "hey Demi, I just wanted to thank you for helping me try to stop cutting and with all my bulimia and bipolar problems..." and then just wait for her to respond. I hope she says something rare instead oh im so sorry.

Im not one of those physco fans that will faint but i would deffinetly cry. Just the thought of her gets me emotional. I mean I dont know anything can happen. So now its only 2 days away! Im like going crazy I just wanna be there already! Im trying to find an outfit to wear to the concert. I have so many clothes but my outfit has to be perfect!

I mean c'mon Demi has to love my outfit, all of hers are so amazing. Another thing that gets me mad is that Demi can look amazing with any type of hair color or style! I also loved it :) Demi has had so many hair styles and colors in her life! She had brown, black. blonde, blonde with blue tips, blonde with pink tips, kind of blonde with brown, red, and right now she has neon bue hair!

She has neon blue hair because of her new hit single, 'Neon Lights" that song is absolutley amazing. The video comes out really soon and I cant wait. It also has a teaser video and it looks so fricken good! The video is like a bunch of neon colors and Demi's nails are neon yellow and neon pink lipstick.

Besides the video I have to do my soscial studies homework. My homework is so easy we are learning about the 'Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire". My grades in school are pretty good I have straight 90's in every class except math. My math average is an 82, I know some people think thats a good grade but to me a good grade is a 90 and above. I always made honorol.

You would think that i would be terrible in school because of all my problems but I guess I was just born smart. Oh! I havent checked twitter in 2 days! I got to lunch and wuickly checked my twitter. I saw that I had 30 new tweets?! I never got that many tweets I usually got about 3 a day!

After getting over how many tweets I had I clicked on my notification box. Oh wow. I should have known it was Taylor. Since she wasnt going to be back for 1 more day I guess she needed to blow of some steam and say something mean to me. She tweeted "fat, ugly, worthless, stupid bitch! how are are you even alive you should be dead by now! nobody likes you!" That tweet made me cry becuase about 15 people had wrote "agreed" on that tweet and Taylor only posted it 3 minutes ago! I needed to cut.

When I was sitting at an empty lunch table someone came up to me. "Hey why are you sitting all alone?" It was the new girl Allison, she was only talking to me because she didnt know I was "different". "Umm, I dont really have any friends...you shouldnt be talking to me if you wanna make it in with the cool kids." I said starting to get nervous. "Oh, I dont like the "cool" kids, I was bullied at my old school..." "Really? im bullied to." Oh, so can you tell me who to watch out for?" she sadi nervously.

"Umm her name is Taylor Peterson, she is horrible to me, she beats me up everyday.." I said starting to tear up. Also thinking about whats gonna happen when Taylor gets back. "Im sorry...do you think she will do that to me?' she said getting more and more nervous. "To be completely honest, yes I think she will bully you but only because your the new kid. She might start to leave you alone after a week or two." I was trying not to scare her.

"Thanks for telling me...anyways whats your name?" she said with a smile on her face. "Alex, Alex Green." I said smiling. "Soo do you want to be friends?" "Umm, I think you should know about me before you ask that question.." I said kind of making things awkward.

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