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Demi's POV

I feel so bad for Alex, but I worned her. I told her that Tyler was no good.

I seriously want to kick his ass but I would probably go to jail so I'm just going to skip that idea.

Alex has been in her room all day crying and I'm doing my best to be there for her.

I didn't realize how much she cared for this guy.

I heard more crying so I walked back up to the room, I'm trying not leave a lot because I'm afraid she might...ya know relapse.

I walked to the door and heard her saying something. I couldn't quite hear it so I put my ear up to the door.

I listened closely and heard Sarah whispering the words *don't do it*

I quickly rushed to see Sarah sitting on the floor with a blade in her hand, luckily I got there fast enough before she actually pressed it to her skin.

Demi- Baby girl please stop. You don't have to do this, not over him.

I sat next to her on the floor and took the blade away. She rested her head on my shoulder and began to cry even more.

I remember the first time I had gotten my heart broken by a guy. Its tough.

Alex- I just don't understand! everything was going so great.

Demi- I know, but sometimes guys lie and they can tell you they love you and then go act like it never happened.

Alex- But he did something...

Demi- What did he do Alex. You can tell me.

I pulled her in closer so she would feel protected.

Alex- He knows about my scars. He saw them when we were hanging out at his house and he pulled me into a hug and kissed them.

Demi- oh sweetie I'm so sorry!

Alex- Can i just be alone momma?

Demi- Promise me you wont do anything.

Alex- I promise mom I just want to take a nap.

Alex's POV

I got in my bed and layed under the covers when I got a text. It was from Tyler.

I know because I set a particular ringtone for him.

I ran out of bed and looked at the message.

-Text Message-

Tyler: Hey babe😘

What the hell? He thinks he's gonna cheat on me and then act like it didn't happen!

Alex: So your just gonna cheat on me and pretend it didn't happen?!

Tyler: What the hell are talking about?!

Alex: I walked over to your house and saw you making out with some bitch on your couch!

Tyler: ALEX!! I'm back in Pennsylvania for the weekend! You probably saw Ali and her boyfriend!

Alex- Oh my god. I'm such a fucken idiot. I'm so sorry I you want to break up with my I understand.

Tyler: Alex I love you! I would never do anything to hurt you! I can't even explain how much I love you. Your my everything Alex! I just want you to know that.

Alex: I'm sorry I acted like a bitch. I should've had more trust In you. I just got scared because everyone hates me.

Tyler: We'll I don't! When I get back I have something to give you. 😘

Alex: Awe. 😍 I can't wait to see it! I it to go babe but I'll text you later.

Tyler: Ok, I love you.

Alex: Love you to☺️

_________________________________________________________________________ We'll what do you think about them apples!! Woah! I was gonna take this story a totally different way but. Thought that I didn't want to end Talex that fast.

Next Update: Sunday, Monday.

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