Kiss Me

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Nick's POV

I woke up on Demi's couch. I was remembering last night. Our kiss.

It meant so much to me. It was really frustrating all these years for the entire world to notice my love for Demi and she never did.

I laid back down and pretended to still be asleep when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I peeked through one eye and saw Demi walk over to the couch.

She sat down on the floor and started tearing up.

She was talking to herself but I couldn't quite hear her words.

Demi- I wanna love you so bad...but I'm scared.

I couldn't take hearing her cries so I pretend woke up and acted like I didn't know what was going on.

Nick- Demi?

I said in a still raspy morning voice.

Demi- Oh hey Nick, sorry if I woke you up.

Nick- Its ok, what's wrong?

She looked up with her pain filled eyes.

Demi- I'm just worried about something.

Nick- Worried about what?

Hesitation and fear now filled her face.

Demi- It's um, it's nothing really...

I obviously knew she was lying.

Nick- Come here Dems.

I gestured my arms out toward her and she climbed her little body on top of the couch.

She laid beside me as I wrapped my arms around her.

I didn't know how to show her that it was okay to be afraid of love.

Nick- Demi look at me.

I sat up still holding her in my arms.

Demi- Why.

Nick- Because, you need to know how much I love you. From the moment you stepped foot on the set of Camp Rock. I've loved you everyday since then and you never seemed to notice. I know you're afraid of loving me but that's were trust comes in. I would never do anything to hurt you. Not like how you've been hurt before, and it killed me to see you with those other guys that I knew would end up leaving you. I used to sit there in my room and think of all the times we shared and why you never felt the same way. I love you for you, with or without make up, I will love you no matter what. I need you to know that I'm in love with you Demi and I want to be with you. All I can do is sit here in this room, and wait. All I have ever done was wait...Now kiss me like you want to be loved.

I locked our lips before she could answer.

It was a long but meaningful kiss and I know that the friendship we had was still there, but it's now so much more than that.

Demi's POV

As the kiss deepened I thought of all the times that the love he was giving was unnoticed.

Yeah we had a fling before but this time was different.

This time I was sure that I loved him and I'm glad he came back because all this time I've been looking for love, trying to make things right and it wasn't good enough.

It wasn't good enough because those guys weren't Nick.

Nick was the only guy I truly loved even though I hadn't realized it.

Our lips let go of each other's and we laid back down.

I turned facing Nick and whispered the words that I was so terrified of saying to not only any guy, but especially Nick.

Demi- I love you to.

He kissed my cheek and closed his eyes.

He laid there and just when I thought he was asleep he whispered into my ear.

Nick- You've got me laughing while I sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep, and I can see this unraveling your love is were I'm falling. So please just catch me...

I smiled as I remembered those lyrics from the song we had wrote together.

Even back then my heart knew I loved him but somehow along the way I finally came realization.

But that's okay, because maybe now was meant to be.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be back then.

Maybe now that were here, together. Now is the time were waiting is over and I can just simply live.

All I was doing was waiting, but the waiting was like a bus...and Nick was my last stop.
______________________________________________________________________Hey guys! I was just in a really happy mood and was thinking about how great full I am for your reads and decided to do an early update. Love you!

Next Update: Tuesday.

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