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Alex's POV

I helped set up the table while Demi was finishing her cooking. I'm not so sure in how I feel about her cooking but I'm just gonna go with it because she begged.

Demi finished putting the food on the table when I heard the doorbell ring.

Alex- Oh GAWD he's here, Demi be nice!

Demi's POV

"Be nice" really I'm going to be respectful as long as he is, which he probably isn't.

Alex opened the door and he greeted her with a hug and two sets of flowers.

Damn this guy wants to make an impression!

Tyler- Hi Ms. Lovato, how are you?

Demi- I'm great, it's nice meet you. Oh and please call me Demi.

Tyler- You to. Um these ones are for you Alex.

He said as he handed her a rose.

Alex- Thanks ba- uh Tyler.

Was she really just about to call him babe! Ugh..

Tyler- And these ones are for you Ms- oh um Demi.

Demi- Thanks how sweet of you. Well dinner is on the table, Tyler make yourself comfortable.

He didn't reply just smiled. He seems nice and sweet and all that but I need to get to know him.

Alex- So mom what are we having?

Demi- Steak with spinach, and salad.

I could tell that it was gonna be hard for Alex to eat already.

Tyler- It looks delicious!

Demi- Thanks, I'm not really the best cook.

Alex- The whole world can agree on that mom!

We all laughed and took our seats at the table. I saw Sarah move her chair closer to Tyler's.

I'm letting it slide because it's not like they are going to have a make out session right?

Tyler- The food is great Demi.

Demi- I'm glad! So Tyler now that you and my daughter are "dating" I would like to get to know you.

I heard Alex say oh god under her breathe.

Tyler- We'll um, I like to play a bunch of sports, I help my dad work down at the bait shack, I am the captain of the football team.

Demi- Wow that's a lot. How are your grades?

Tyler- Straight A student in every class.

Demi- Nice! I'm liking you more and more already!

Lie! I honestly don't give a shit wether he has good grades or not.

Alex's POV

I was taking a sip of my water when I felt something grab my hand.

Me and Tyler interlocked our fingers and kept listening to Demi talk.

It's funny how we could sit there and play with each others fingers with out Demi even noticing.

He looked over at me and just smirked.

Demi- So Tyler, I just want to say this, and only say it once.

He stiffened his shoulders and looked scared.

Tyler- Yes?

Demi- Sorry I don't mean to scare you, I'm new at this parenting stuff. But anyway I just want to know that you won't try anything sexual with Alex an you to will behave appropriately when I'm not home.

Alex- Mom!

Demi- Sorry I needed to say it.

Tyler- Yes mam I would never even think of doing anything like that.

Tyler gripped my hand tighter rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb to calm me down.

Demi- Ok good.

We finished eating the rest of dinner and Demi started cleaning up the table and it was time for Tyler to leave.

Demi's POV

Alex- Mom is it alright if I walk him out?

Demi- Uh yeah sure.

They left the front door and the mother in me kicked in as I ran to look out the blinds of the window.

They were just standing there holding hands talking.

Woah! He just said be wouldn't try anything! There kissing like he was about leave for war or something!

He let go and started walking when Alex came through the door.

Demi- What in the hell was that?

Alex- I'm not really sure but it was awesome.

Alex looked completely shocked. I could tell that it was an act. They have obviously kissed before.

I could tell by the way there holding hands under the table, probably thinking I couldn't see them.

Demi- Well I'm not sure if I approve of that?

Alex- Mom relax it was one kiss.

Demi- No it wasn't just one kiss! You guys were practically sucking each other's faces off!

Alex- What is the big deal.

Demi- I'm just afraid Alex!

Alex- Afraid of what?

Demi- Afraid if losing you to some guy that just comes along out of no where!

I stormed up stairs into the music room and locked the door. I needed time to think.

Maybe I was being a little hard on her but I'm not gonna let one guy come in and steal her away from me!

__________________________________________________________________________ Ugh so much boy drama! But I'm loving the whole mom thing!

Next Update: Sunday

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