Believe In Me

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Demi's POV is the day I meet up with Niall at Nando's and I'm stressing. I had told Niall that I really liked him a couple months back before he left for his UK tour.

I told him that if he ever moved to L.A I would try to work things out between us.

That's why I said oh shit while talking to Nick because I had totally forgotten about what I said to Niall.

This is so bad. Im lying to two people! Two people that I love and care about very much. I can't just choose who, I mean it's no that simple I love both of them.

I got up and got dressed to go get some breakfast with Sarah at IHOP like I had promised her the night before.

I feel really bad the whole reason I adopted her was to help her recover and it's like I haven't even been paying any attention to her. Like at all!

For all I know she could be still self-harming. I know she eats now but I haven't checked her wrists in about 2 months.

I went into Alex's room and saw her still sleeping. I went by her side and tried to wake her up.

Alex- Morning Dem.

Demi- Morning gorgeous! Are we still on for IHOP?

Alex- Of course, I'll take as much time with you as I can. We never hang out anymore...

Demi- I know and I'm really sorry I've just been distracted by a lot I things lately and I haven't been paying you enough attention.

Alex- It's ok I understand your a busy woman.

We both laughed but inside I felt really terrible. I have been so focused on Nick and Niall and so many other things I forgot that I have a kid to take care of!

Alex got dressed and we headed to IHOP.


Demi- So do you know what you want yet?

Alex- No but I think I want blueberry pancakes!

Demi- You can have whatever you want! This morning is all about you!

Alex- This morning? I thought we could like spend the day together. I wanted to go see "Frozen". I thought it would be cool to go with you.

Demi- Ugh I know I'm really sorry but I'm meeting Niall at Nando's at 6:00.

Alex- Why is it always about guys lately! It's either Nick, Joe, now Niall. You don't even talk to me anymore! :,(

Demi- Alex I'm really sorry I'll make it up to you! I promise, tomorrow it can just be me and you l. We can do whatever you want!

Alex- I guess..

Why do I feel like such a bitch right now! I hate hurting Alex's feelings. I have to make this right!

We basically just sat quiet and ate our food. Alex didn't eat much but it's not cause of the disorder. I could tell that it was because she was upset. Because of me.

Wow Demetria look what your doing to her!

We left IHOP and went home it was about 3:00. We got home and I saw a really angry looking Nick standing by the door.

Nick- What the hell Demi!

Demi- What!?

Nick- You tell me you have feelings for me than I hear from Alex that your going out with Niall tonight! I thought you weren't a thing?

Demi- We're not I'm just meeting him for dinner, he's only here for a couple days and he asked if we could hang out. It's not a date.

Nick- I hope it's not because I'll kick his ass!

Demi- No you won't Nick!

Nick- Why are you sticking up for him!?

Demi- Because he's my friend and he didn't do anything to you! We're just meeting to catch up! THATS IT!

Niall's POV

I can wait to see Demi! I've missed her so much. Ever since what she told me I've been waiting to see how things go.

I can't wait to tell her I bought an apartment here for a couple months while we take a break on tour! She's going to be so exited!

-Calling Demi-

Niall- Hey Demi, are we still meeting at Nando's tonight?

Demi- Yeah, I can't wait to see you!

Niall- You to. I have great news!

Demi- What?

Niall- We'll you'll have to meet me and find out! See you soon Demi, Bye.

Demi- Ya bye.

-End of Call-

Ok now to pick out what I'm gonna wear!

Demi's POV

God can this get any worse!?

-2 1/2h Later-

-At Nando's-

Demi- Nialler! How have you been!

He pulled my into a huge hug.

Niall- Hey Dem, I've been good you!

Demi- Great, so how about we get something to eat I know you have to be hungry!

Niall- Oh I'm starving!

We sat down at a table and ordered our food.

Demi- So how are the boys?

Niall- They're good, they all went out somewhere together.

Demi- Aww I'm sorry you didn't go with them.

Niall- It's ok I've been with them everyday I'd much rather be with you. You know why I asked you here right?

Demi- Yeah... :/

Niall- Why don't you seem happy?

Demi- Because Niall, my feeling have changed since a couple months ago...Im not sure I truly meant why I said to you.

Niall- We'll um, you know I respect your decision but you can't do this to me anymore Dem. I love you I always have but you keep leading me on and making me think you like me back and then you change your mind. It's either you like me or not.

Demi- I know, I know and I'm really sorry. It's just that I want to be friends, Niall I don't want I hurt you.

Niall- Demi you won't, I know you wont.

Demi- It's not that...

Niall- We'll then what is it Demi?

Demi- I've fallen for someone else, someone I've had feelings for a long time but just didn't know it and I can't lie to myself and tell you I'm in love with you because I'm not.

Tears were forming in his eyes. I could see him about to cry but he held it back.

Niall- I understand, I guess now isn't the best time to tell you that I got an apartment here. It's fine, you know how you feel. I'll back off.

He walked out of Nando's with tears rolling down his eyes. How could I do this to him! It just seems that everyone I love is mad at me. I can't take this. I know what I have to do...

________________________________________________ Woah that was intense! What the heck does Demi have to do?! Can't wait for you to find out! Anyway I wanted to tell you that I'm going to make shorter chapters and update more and then like here an there I'll throw in a long chapter. Love you, bye xoxo - Sarah

Saved By Her Idol... | Demi LovatoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora