Lego House

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Alex's POV

We were all sitting in the living room with 2 gigantic bowls of popcorn watching Finding Nemo.

That was our favorite movie, we'll it's my favorite movie.

Demi always cries when the mom and babies die but then gets happy when she sees Nemo.

She's honestly the biggest dork I have ever seen but I love her that way.

I'm so happy her and Nick are finally together. They are always so happy around each other.

I love when I catch him staring at her and it's like Demi's his whole world.

I've always known Nick was the one even before everything had happened with Demi and I.

Wow looking back at it now this whole journey has been crazy.

I remember waiting in line for the soundcheck, and asking that question...

Oh my god, if I had never asked that question I don't even know where I would be right now.

I'm so grateful for everything that's happened in my life and when I think about it I feel like I haven't thanked Demi enough.

I went over to were she was sitting and just snuggled up in her arms. It made me sad to think that maybe Demi thinks I don't care.

Demi- What's this for babe?

Alex- I just. I just love you okay.

Demi- I love you to Sarah, more than anyone!

Nick- Hey! What about me!?

We all giggled.

Demi- We'll I love you to but ehh Alex isjust cooler than you!

Nick blushed when Demi said she loved him and it was funny to look at his rosie cheeks.

Demi's POV

WOW, did I just say I loved him. I know we've said it before but not like this.

Oh my god what if he doesn't love me back.

What if I startled him.

He's not saying it back.

I don't know what to do.

I'm freaking out here.

I'm just gonna go in the kitchen.

Maybe he'll follow me.

I got up and walked towards the kitchen with my bowl of popcorn as an excuse..

A couple seconds later Nick walked in and just stared at me.

Nick's POV

Should I tell her.

I don't know.

I mean I love her.

Like I really really do.

What if she didn't mean it the way I think she did.

I freaking out here.

Oh jesus.


Get it together Nick.

You can do this.

Just say it.

Nick- Demi I love you.

That came out so fast.

Demi- I- I love you to Nick.

Oh my god that was the scariest thing of my life.

I walked over to her and kissed her red cheeks.

Now that we both got that over with everything's good.

It's all good.

We walked back into the living room to find Sarah passed out on the floor.

Demi- I'll bring her up to bed.

Nick- No, I wanna do it.

Demi- Really?

Nick- Yeah, I need to say something to her.

Demi- Nick she's passed out she won't hear what your saying.

Nick- Yeah I know but I have to.

Demi's POV

He walked up the stairs with Alex in his arms. He was holding her bridal style.

He looked so happy with that dorkish smile all over his face.

I was confused though.

I quietly followed him up the stairs to see what he was gonna say.

Nick's POV

I laid her down on the bed and sat next to her.

She looked so peaceful.

I felt bad. I was saying I love you to Demi but I never really told her or showed her that I appreciate her as well.

Nick- I know you can't hear me...but I just wanted to say that I love you. You make me so happy and I'm so glad Demi adopted you because your amazing. I haven't really showed you that I love you but trust me I'm trying. I hope one day maybe I can be the dad you never had.

I stood up and kissed her for head.

I walked out of her room to see Demi standing against the wall with tears dripping from her eyes.

Demi- That was so beautiful Nick. Alex loves you so much you have no idea. I hope one day're already like a father to her, and I know she sees you that way.

Demi's POV

God what did I do to deserve Nick. He's so perfect in every way. I love him so much, I wanna spend the rest of my life with him and Alex.

________________________________________________________________ Wow I feel so bad, I haven't had anytime to write but I'm trying. Xoxo.

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