Give Your Heart A Break

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Alex's POV

I get how she feels, I mean I felt the same way when all those guys were around.

But I'm not going to forget about her like she forgot about me. Ugh I gotta go talk to her.

Alex- Mom open up!

Demi- No! I don't wanna!

Alex- Demetria fucking Lovato are you five years old?! Open this god damn door!

Demi- Ugh fine!!

Alex- Oh my god your ridiculous.

I said under my breathe.

Demi- I heard that!

Alex- Whatever, anyway I wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about anything.

Demi- Honestly I don't even care anymore!

Alex- You obviously do! Look I'm going out with Tyler today but I'm going over there early to surprise him.

Demi- We'll I'm not driving you so I guess you can't go.

Alex- I CAN go because Max is driving me!

Demi- Whatever.

Alex- Goodbye my phsyco mother! I love you😘.

-At Tyler's House-

I can't wait to surprise him! Ugh why isn't he answering the door? I'll just look through the window maybe he's not home yet.

-Looking Through The Window-

Oh my fucking god! What the hell is he doing! I can't believe he's cheating on me!

Who the heck even is that!?

Wow I should've known! Its that bitch Jade Valencia.

I can't help but let out a little cry.

I took a step back and picked up a rock. I threw it at them breaking there kiss and smashing the window.

I ran back to the car and told Max to hurry up and drive!

I knew it was to good to be true and Demi even warned me.

_____________________________________________________________________ Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I'm trying to think of something really big to do so comment below and give me some ideas! Bye! xoxo- Sarah.

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