"Chew you food before you speak, Ronald," Hermione scoffed.

Ron chewed and swallowed his food then repeated.

"I said, this picnic is very nice, it was a great idea," Ron said.

"Oh, well thanks," Hermione said. Isabel swore there was a light blush dancing on Hermione's cheeks.

"You packed me a peanut butter and banana sandwich," Isabel said, impressed, "How did you know that was my favorite?"

"Oh come on, Isabel, I know my best friend," Hermione laughed.

Isabel's smile grew.

Hermione still considered her a best friend.

Isabel was so happy and relieved.

She had been spending so much time with Shane, she assumed they would replace her.

Once everyone had finshed their lunch Isabel jumped up and started to run to a giant tree.

"Let's climb it!" Isabel exclaimed, bouncing on her heels, obviously excited.

The group made their way over to the tree.

"I don't know, it looks kind of high up," Hermione said.

"Don't be a knobhead Hermione, it's not even that high," Ron urged her.

She still shook her head and sat on the ground, showing that she was not going to climb the tree.

Ron shrugged and then started to go up the tree first followed by Harry.

Isabel smiled and started up the tree.

She felt like she was a child again playing with her brothers in her backyard.

It was nice to think about, having Ollie back and a non-deatheater version of Hayden.

A thought in the back of head kept nipping at her brain, wondering if she climbed high enough and fell, would she die?

Probably not.

Isabel shook her head to get the thougts away and continued climbing.

Ron and Harry were as high as a person could climb before it was too dangerous.

They were sitting on the far end of a thick branch with their feet dangling off the edge.

She started to get closer and Harry gestured for her to join them.

She carefully manuvered herself around the branches.

She stood on the branch right below where Harry and Ron were.

"Come on, Isabel, you can do it," Ron encouraged.

Isabel let out a sigh and pulled herself up and slowly moved herself to sit next to the boys.

"You did it! Wasn't so hard was it?" Ron asked.

"It was a piece of cake," Isabel laughed.

"YOU HEAR THAT HERMIONE?" Ron yelled to Hermione who was still sitting at the base of the tree, "ISABEL SAID IT WAS A PIECE OF CAKE,"

"Yes, Ronald, I heard her," Hermione said, not bothering to look up from the book she was reading.

All three of them laughed.

In the midst of the fun, Ron decided it would be a good idea to give the branch a shake to scare Isabel and Harry, he succeded.

When the branch shook, Isabel wobbled almost slipping off the branch.

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