Chapter 40: Ethan

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I lied about me being evil. I can't believe Heather fell for that. I actually already told her the secret, she just didn't believe me but she lied to me. She lied to everyone. She couldn't navigate, she could hear. Heather is a shapeshifter and I found that out the hard way. She is a jaguar roaming the jungle wilderness at this second. The jaguar instinct took over her and now she's gonna attack. She almost got me. So thankful I have invisibility. Wait, didn't I just pass out? Oh yeah I did. I'm gonna wake up now. I opened my eyes, awakening from my thoughts.

"Where am I?" Was the first thing that popped into my head.

"What happened dude?" Hunter said. Everyone in the group, but Heather, was staring at me. Then everything blurted right out.

"Heather she's she's a monster." I say super fast.

"Whoa buddy, Heathers not a monster." Hunter said calmly. "She's right here." Heather walked up looking perfectly normal and really pretty.

"Oh um." I bit my lip.

"I told them everything buddy." Heather smiled.

"But you said you wouldn't tell them if we-" I stopped. Mostly because Heather closed my mouth.

"Nobody can find out about that." She whispers in my ear.

"What are you guys talking about?!" Noah jumps in the whispering. "Oh my gosh, did you, you know, smoochy smoochy?"

Heather rolled her eyes and put a hand to her head.

"Oh my gosh guys they smoochy smoochy!" Noah yelled to the rest of the crew. Next, I copied Heather and put a hand to my head.

"Do it again." Connor dared.

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

"Geez dude, having a girlfriend makes you grumpy!" Connor laughed at his insanely immature joke.

"Shut up." Heather repeated me. I was so proud. I was super confused. Do I like Eve or Heather? Is Heather evil?

"We need to talk." I whisper to Heather. Heather nodded.

"Can we talk?" I asked the rest of the group.

"You probably should." Ashley said nodding toward 'the rock'. I walked to the rock, Heather walking closely behind me. Once we got to the rock I turned Heather and I made us invisible.

"You never told me you were a shapeshifter!" I yelled quietly at her.

"You wanna know what you look like right now?" She asked. Then she changed into me.

"You never told me you were a shapeshifter!" She repeated sounding like me. I roll my eyes. Heather turned back to herself.

"But seriously I'm sorry I changed into a jaguar on you." She spoke softly. "I haven't really controlled my shape shifting yet..."

"Did you want the others to know?" I asked her.

"No way!" She shook her head. "The truth is, I didn't come for my dead grandfather." We both sat down.

"I came 'cause I was bored at that school." She blushed. "And I sorta saw you."
I think I blushed too.

"Ethan, Heather!" I heard Connor call. "Get your butts over here!"

"We should, you know, probably get back." I looked toward the group. Heather nodded. We started walking back to the group.

"Where do we go now?" I heard Ashley grumble.

"Well, we could go to my mom's house?" I heard Hunter suggest.

"Yeah, no." Jacob said. "We need to find a big shelter, not a house."

"Ok Mr. Smartypants." Hunter rolled his eyes. Jacob looked angrily at Hunter.

"Shut it!" Heather yelled. Everyone stopped arguing and started listening.

"I know a place." Heather smiled. "And luckily for us, it may have all we need and we'd be safe from the rest of the world." Then we all walked away through the woods, following Heather to wherever she was taking us. Lets all hope it will and we can live the rest of our life in secret.

Thank you all for who read this book. I hope you loved it.


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