Chapter 36: Chrissy

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     We ran into Eve's room, Ashley was there, but she teleported again! We sat down on the bed in the room.

"Start finding her," I said. He put his finger to his head and started searching for her.

"She is in present day time and is in some school for learning to use powers for bad," He said as he looked down at Jacob then froze.

"Why do you look worried?" Jacob asked. I turned around and looked at what Hunter was looking at. He was looking at Jacob. Two of Jacob's fingers had disappeared.

"Jacob, what happen to your fingers?" I asked as I slowly walked up to him.

"What are you talking about?" He said as he looked down at his fingers, then he noticed the two gone fingers.

"What in the world?!" Jacob screamed. Ethan ran up and looked at his fingers then his face froze.

"What is it? Hunter, Jacob what is it why is his fingers gone?" I yelled.

"Uh uh....." Hunter stuttered.

"Answer me! Do you know sugar pop?" I asked as I looked at Connor he was just sitting in the grass. He looked over with his flawless nose.

"Nope, but this is really freaky!" He exclaimed. I giggled a little then went back to reality. I walked over and went to see if his fingers were completely off or just vanished. I reached out my hand but Jacob pulled away.

"It's okay let me see if they're still there," I whispered. I reached out and grabbed his hand and touched his invisible fingers. "They're still there, just invisible," I said as I turned around and looked at Ethan, he was still frozen. I lifted my hand and slapped him in the face. He burst to life.

"Why did you slap me?" He groaned as he put his hand against his face.

"I didn't slap you, I just high fived you in the face!" I replied as I turned around and 'high fived' Hunter in the face too. Then he burst to life.

"Any idea what is happening to Jacob?" Connor asked.

"Well there is one thing I learned, but it's a secret curse," Hunter spoke softly.

"Then how did Ashley know about it?!" I glowered. Hunter bit his lip.

"I know!" Jacob yelled loudly. "Drake possibly knew it and told Ashley about it!"

"There's just one little thing," Hunter looked down.

"What?" We all demanded.

"If Ashley doesn't reverse this in three days, you will be invisible forever," Hunter finished.

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