Chapter 39: Hunter

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     Everyone in this entire group of friends is crazy! Why did I agree to go with Ethan?! He told me a secret that I swore not to tell anyone, and the secret is messing with his mind more and more everyday.

"Tell me what's wrong with Ethan, Hunter!" Heather pushed me to a corner.

"Who's Ethan." I stated instead of asked. Heather rolled her eyes.

"Never mind, I got exactly what I need." She walked away towards Ethan. I forgot she can read minds! Ethan's gonna kill me! I could barely hear what Heather was saying but I made out the words.

"I know what your secret is Ethan." She said.

"Okay then, spill." Ethan replied.

"You're supposed to be evil, so your instinct is trying to take over you, and it's almost hundred percent done." Heather finished. Ethan stared at her, mouth open, then he looked at me with an angry face.

"Uh oh." I mumbled under my breath then I ran. I turned to look behind me. Ethan was chasing my tail, then he disappeared. I kept running, knowing Ethan had turned invisible. Then I felt something wet and I stopped. I was in water! Then I looked to my left and saw a beautiful waterfall. Suddenly Ethan ran into me from behind.

"Everyone I found the waterfall!" I shouted.

"This is perfect for a wedding!" Chrissy looked up at Connor, excited. Connor rolled his eyes.

"I like someone else, okay!" Connor yelled at Chrissy. Chrissy stepped back, surprised. Tears started welling up in her eyes. Then she ran off, her cries a distant echo.

"Chrissy!" Ashley called and ran in the direction Chrissy went. Ethan went up to Connor and slapped him in the face.

"Ow! What was that for!" Connor yelled.

"Everything." Ethan replied smiling.

Then Ethan went up to Heather and pulled her behind a giant rock. I had to investigate. I tiptoed up to the rock and climbed it. I could see the tops of Heather and Ethan's heads and could hear them talking.
"Please don't tell anyone." Ethan begged Heather.

"On one condition" Heather started.

"Anything." Ethan said. What happened next really surprised me, I had to cover my eyes. Heather went up and kissed Ethan. I saw Jacob coming from the other side of the rock.

"What are you doing up there, Hunter?" He asked. I hopped down from the rock quickly.

"Nothing." I brushed dirt off my pants.

Jacob give me a look then went towards Ethan and Heather. Then Jacob stopped staring directly at Heather and Ethan. Jacob bit his lip. He turned around looking down. I went up to stand next to him.

"You okay?" I walked up to Jacob.

"Yeah." He nodded, whispering.

"Get over here Jacob!" Ashley called motioning from the waterfall. She must've found Chrissy cause I saw Connor hugging her and I laughed a little.

"Unless you want to be invisible forever and all." She said annoyed.

"Coming!" Jacob ran up to Ashley.

"Now what?" Ashley looked at me. I bit my lip.

"Sprinkle the potion over him." I said. Ashley obeyed and sprinkled the potion on Jacob.

"Now what?" Ashley asked again.

"Try saying 'I reverse this curse?" I suggested.

"I reverse this curse." Ashley repeated holding Jacobs hand and the quickly fading arm held some water.

"Now try drinking the water." I told Jacob. Jacob nodded and took a handful of water from the waterfall and drank it. His arm quickly could be seen again and about few minutes later his hand was back too! Heather and Ethan were still behind the rock. I had to investigate. I didn't bother climbing up the rock this time. I wanted them to know I was there.

"Hello?" I called as I reached the rock. Heather and Ethan were nowhere to be seen.

"Stop hiding Ethan." I spoke out. Then Ethan appeared looking like he just ran a marathon. Sweat stained his shirt.

"Run." He choked out.

"What why?!?" I panicked.

"She, she." Ethan pointed to the woods then dropped to the ground and passed out.

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