Chapter 32: Drake

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"How do you feel?" I asked smirking.

"'Bout what?" Noah replied as he leaned against the faded white wall.

"That girl named, Ashley, she just broke up with you. What do you feel about that?" I questioned him as I also leaned on the wall.

"Doesn't matter." He said as he stared to the ground.

"You do care." I said softly.

"How do you know?" Noah looked up at me.

"I can see the pain in your eyes." I spoke. "The change you seek won't happen."

"Wow, you are really wise when your 14." Noah said to me.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"It's nothing, probably just a nightmare I had the other night." Noah spoke at a whisper.

"I'm very confused why you were hanging out with the good guys." I said, demanding
an answer.

"It's a weird story let me tell you." Noah started.

"Go ahead." I said waving my hand to go. Noah stared at me for a long time.

"Ok then..." His voice trailed off. My surroundings were changing. I was back at my grade school, St, Barners Academy for the Gifted. I looked around for Noah and spotted him, though he looked much older. I realized, we were in the principal's office.

"Noah Crescent." The principal walked into the office.

"I am utterly disturbed at what you have done." I looked at Noah. He was nodding his head.

"Yes sir." He spoke, looking down.

"For this behavior, you are hereby no longer a student at this school."

"But sir-"
"No buts Mr. Crescent. I am afraid this is out of my hands." The principal interrupted.

"Oliver is our top student at this school and is graduating in a couple of days." The principal said as a big man walked out of the shadows.

"He will be watching and checking on you every so often." Noah just nodded. What a horrible thing!

"No!" I tried to call out but they all disappeared. I was in a new environment. There stood a house, fairly big, on top of a hill.

"Noah?" I called out. Suddenly Noah walked right through me with a girl in his arms. Ashley. Ashley's arm was covered in blood but I could tell Noah tried to wipe some off.

"What is happening?" I wondered. I followed Ashley and Noah into a beige house. Noah laid Ashley down on a bed and wrapped her arm in bandages.

"Who shot Ashley?" I demanded Noah. Noah never answered, then realized, he couldn't hear me. I was in a memory, a gift only given to most powerful. Once he finished with the bandages he sat on a stool on the far side of the room just watching Ashley. Then the memory blurred and a new one took shape. I was out in the road. Noah was chasing a car yelling.

"Ashley! Ashley!" This is just getting weirder. Is this the future? Then the memory blurred again. Then I saw... Me? Ashley and I were holding hands, Noah staring madly in my direction. I watched my future self walk out of the room with Ashley, and evil glint in her eye. What in the world?!? Then the vision danced away. I was standing on grass. My future self was standing next to two other people I didn't recognize. The tall girl with black hair stepped out of the bush. My future self followed with a blonde haired boy closely behind. Then I saw Noah telling everyone to run. Was I trying to kill them? No, I couldn't be! Noah is my friend! Or is Noah... I pushed the thought aside. I had to help them! Noah turned around and knocked out the three of us. I felt a little light headed at seeing myself knocked out and I realized. Noah isn't who I thought he was. He was working with, good. Then the memory faded and I was sitting next to Noah back in the sleeping quarters.

"What.. What was that!?!?" I said gasping for air.

"The future." He said as he stared down to the ground.

"Wha...what?" Why did you knock us out and run off? Are you working for the good guys?" I started.

"It isn't what you think, but now I'm working for y'all the bad guys." He murmured under his breath.

"So you left them cause that Ashley girl broke up with you?" I stammered.

"So because y'all aren't dating that means she is available?!?" I asked as my eyes lit up. Ashley was hot I wanted to date her, who wouldn't? I looked at Noah and he was giving like a type of deadly stay away ice cold stare.

"What?" I asked with a stink eye.

"Back off, she's not dating you again!" He yelled.

"What do you mean 'again'."

"Nothing, let's just go to sleep, after all we need to come up with a plan to kill Ashley in the morning." Noah said as he went to his bunk and laid down.

"Kill her?" I asked as he started snoring. I heard a shushing sound causing me to wake up, I leaned out of my bed and looked to see Noah. He wasn't their!

"Noah!" I called.

"In here." I walked to the voice which happened to be the living room. I looked up on the screen it had Ashley all over it. Her face shots were all over the screen. He was tracking her and the other people. He had the remote on his hands and started going through the recording of her. The first thing he stopped at was quite interesting it was Ashley at the movies with some guy. Except she didn't look happy she looked scared, but the guy was laughing. Noah started writing stuff down beside him.

"Hey Noah what ya doin?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Let's just say research." He replied. I looked at his face I think he'd been crying.

"Who the guy beside her?"

"I don't know but he looks so familiar."

"I hate to say it but I think I might know who can help us figure it out...." I started.

"Who?" He asked as he stared into the screen.

"Umm... You're brother Chris."

"He's not my brother he's my stepbrother!" I scowl at him.

"Great so I'll give him a call." Then I walked off and grabbed my phone. It started ringing.... "Hello?"

Then I started, "Hey Chris we need to talk!"

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