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The first lightning struck while I was in the library. It scared everyone half to death. Then a computer said lighting has been spotted in your area then we all laughed like it was a funny joke. We shouldn't have laughed. We didn't even know this was going to happen. I live in a sleeping bag now. It protects me from everything. It even protects me from me. I've been walking for days. I don't know where, it's just where my dad told me we had to go. He's gone. Mom's gone. Lily is gone. Jacob disappeared. Beanie ran away before the storm came. I'm just alone wandering through nothingness. Or at least what's left of nothingness. That's what I call earth now. Just a big garbage pile of nothingness. I remember the last words everyone said.
Mom: "You are so much more powerful than this storm, don't give up like I did."
Dad: "I love you sweetie, I know you can deal with this big problem without me giving you guidelines."
Lily: "Wahhhh! Wahhhhh!"
Beanie: "Ruff! Ruff!"
Jacob: "I'm never talking to you again, Ashley!"
Yeah we got in a big fight walking to somewhere safe. I regret it every second of every minute of every hour of every day. I look up at the stars. There's none. Of course there's none. The clouds always block everything from view. I probably haven't seen a star in a couple of months. It's not sad. Stars make you feel something. Feeling something during this time just brings you down, just like when my mom died.

The tornado hit the ground shaking everything. "Run!" I remember my dad saying. I look back and I see mom flying away. Then I saw her disappear into the tornado. She came out five seconds later of course, it's a tornado. I saw the tornado spit her out just like I used to spit out squash. I ran to her. I didn't care what would happen to me.

"Mom!" I yelled. I finally came up to her. Her last words still repeated in my head. Dad died the very next day, when we happened to be next to a rock mountain. You probably know what happened. Yep, earthquake. It shook the whole earth apparently like all the plates scraped each other at the same time. Next came the rumbling, and the ground shaking slightly.

"Earthquake!" My dad yelled. He risked his life for me. He shouldn't have. I hate him for leaving me, I hate everyone for leaving me. I hear a rustle and jerk my head. A large creature stepped out, limping.

"Beanie?" I asked the limping creature. I heard a whine. I ran over to the creature. It wasn't beanie. It was a big German Shepherd. I looked at its collar. "Pepper." I said his name. He replied with a kiss on the face. "Aww, hey boy." I replied to his kiss. He reminded me so much of beanie. "Here, I'll help you." I told the poor dog. Suddenly there was another rustle then a gunshot. At me. "Ow!" I cried in pain. I looked at my arm. Blood covered it.

"Oh my gosh." I hear someone say. It sound so far away, I couldn't hear what else they said because blackness surrounded me and I blacken out.

The Disastrous (original)| ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt