Chapter 2: Ashley

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     I woke up in a bed. I didn't remember coming back to the house last night. "Noah?" I called. No answer. I got out of the bed and walked into the kitchen. "Noah?" I repeated. Still no answer. I look out the window facing the backyard. Pepper was not seen. I walked outside. "Pepper?" I called. Noah and Pepper were gone. "Oh great." I said to myself. "Now I'm alone." There was a knock on the door. "Noah, finally." I said. I walked to the door and open it. Noah was not standing there. A large man replaced him. He looked like he weighed 400 pounds and he could crush a school bus. "Um, how can I help you?" I said startled.

"Who are you?" He said in a deep voice.

"Um, I'm Ashley." I mumbled. I took a step back as he took a step forward.

"Where's Noah?" He asked getting angry.

"I,I don't know," I stuttered.

"Well you must know," He said.

"All I know is, he and the dog are gone. I don't know where." I said. Just like that Noah appeared coming in the backdoor.

"Oh crap," He said under his breath. "Um sir please leave her be. Ashley go."

"No, I think she should stay," The man named Sir said.

"But she doesn't need to know," Noah told Sir.

"Know what?" I asked.

"Noah is not your average boy," Sir said.

"No!" Noah shouted. "Stop!"

"Ever wondered how the microwave turned on without electricity?" Sir said. It hit me. The microwave had worked, with no power.

"Are you telling me-"

"Ashley it's not what you think." Noah interrupted.

Sir instructed Noah to go out and get Pepper. It was just me and Sir. Something about Sir made me uneasy. He was just standing there. "Let's go on a walk." He said.

"What about Noah?" I asked him.

"He's fine, come on." He opened the front door and I stepped outside. Wrong move. Outside there were about fifty soldiers and they wanted me. Sir came up behind me and grabbed my arms. "Move along missy." He told me. A soldier stepped up and taped my mouth shut. I was so scared. I knew i was gonna die. I wouldn't get to see Noah ever again. Our love, broken forever. They shoved me into a car and we drove off. I never looked back to see whether the man who loved me was there. He couldn't stop this anyway. It was about two hours later that we got somewhere. A big building in the middle of a forest. How comforting. Sir shoved me out of the car then pushed me into the building. It was very big, about twelve stories tall. What? That's big for a building in the middle of nowhere! When we went in soldiers were everywhere. The youngest were about twelve years old. "There is someone who is dying to meet you." Sir said.

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll find out." He told me.

We walked into a large room. It sort of looked like a classroom. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the front of the room. There my brother was, with two guards holding him down. I had to keep tears from welling up in my eyes. He looked beaten. His eyes were as red as the blood stained on his lip. "Jacob." I whispered. He looked up and our eyes met.

"Ash." He whispered back. Sir released me and the soldiers released Jacob. Then they left the room. It was just me and Jacob. I ran up to him and hugged him so hard I think he choked a little. I couldn't help the tears from falling.

"Oh what happened to you?" I cried.

"Yeah good to see you too." He said. I missed him and his humor so much! "Did they hurt you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a lot." He said. "I was wandering through the woods when I heard something like a helicopter. I finally saw the helicopter overhead and they saw me too. They dropped down and put me in the helicopter and said everything would be alright. They lied to me. They're imprisoning us. Beating us. Killing us, one by one."

"How did you survive?" I ask.

"No I ask you a question now," He said. "How did YOU survive?"

"Noah," I said. "He rescued me."

"No idea who he is but whatever." Sir came back in.

"Times up." He said.

Soldiers came in and grabbed Jacob and I. We were taken to the cellar, where they put all the humans that survived. There were so many people. I could only see their eyes through the darkness. We were taken to the very end of the long cave. "Get in," Sir said roughly. "You two will be executed in the morning."

"What?" Jacob said. "What did I do?"

"Your related to her," Sir said. "She's dead so you are too." I froze. Jacob stared at me like he did right before he left.

"Um..." I mumbled.

"Thanks." Jacob muttered under his breath.

I fell asleep pretty quickly, considering I was on rock solid ground with no pillow. I dreamed of Noah. Of Patches. Of my parents. Morning came quickly though. Or it was the middle of the night, I couldn't tell. A soldier, his name was Chris, about my age came to wake us. "Up." He said strictly. "Time for the execution." Jacob and I got up and walked with the soldier. The building was like a maze. We turned everywhere. Finally, we reached a large field. There was a large crowd sitting around. In the middle sat a guillotine.

"Oh no." I said. I stayed silent the rest of the way as I walked to my dead future.

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