Chapter 23: Drake

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"Wow I can't believe Noah killed Ashley, she was so B.A.D!" I said as I laughed.

"B.A.D, what's that mean?" Chris asked.

"Beautiful And Dangerous, duh!" I replied.

"Oh that's smart! Ashley was really really super B.A.D!" Chris replied smiling.

"Still how did Noah do it, kill Ashley?" I asked.

"Hey guys what are y'all talking about?" asked Eve as she walked up with a French fry.

"Just talking about how Noah killed Ashley." I replied.

"Noah and Ashley fought, Noah won because he killed Ashley, sadly." Chris replied.

"No she's not dead, she has invincibility she can never die because of fighting or getting hurt." Eve replied as she shoved the last fry in her mouth. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked me.

"Um one, we trusted Noah to guard Jacob and Ethan and two, you ate the last fry! Have you learned nothing about sharing?!?" I said.

"No I'm evil! Idiot!" Eve snapped at me.

"Guys Noah, Ashley, kill them now!" Chris reminded us.

"Yeah right, let's go!" I replied. We went to the door again but it wasn't opening.

"They locked the door!" I yelled.

"Eve! Go grab the missile gun." Chris yelled.

"Where is Dr. Jonathan?" I yelled. No answer. I told myself oh well he could handle himself. After about two minutes of trying to get in the lab Matthew walked by Chris and I.

"Matthew get your twig self over here and smash down this door with your super strength!" Chris yelled.

"Okay," then he smashed the door in one punch and we were in.

"Noah get back here!" Chris screamed.

"Yeah you too BAD Ash come here!" I screamed. In the distance I heard Connor yelling, "Never she kissed me she's mine!"

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