Chapter 10: Noah

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     "We have to find her," Jacob started.

"Not yet," I said.

"And why not electro man?" Connor stepped in.

"Because I know exactly where to find her," I replied. "That boy that took her, I know him."

"I thought he looked familiar," Jacob said.

"Ah yes! He was the guy that led me to see Ashley the day she got captured!" He exclaimed.

"Follow me," I said. We walked along the edge of the forest until we came up to a clearing. "Where is it?" I questioned out loud.

"Where's what? A hole in the ground that leads to somewhere?" Ethan said.

"Ethan your genius!" I exclaimed. The we saw a small hole. I went down the hole head first. Ethan, Jacob, and Connor slid down behind me. I saw a tiny hole in the bottom of the cave. "Your such a genius Chris." I whispered out loud.

"Who's Chris?" Connor asked.

"You'll probably meet him soon," I replied. "Everyone crowd together for a man hug." I said. "You may feel a little uncomfortable in the next five seconds." Everyone turned to stare at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Jacob said. "Everyone in for a hug." We all got close and then I used my powers to shrink us all into the size of ants. "Come on!" I yelled at them. We all ran through the hole. Once we got in I saw Chris and his crew he likes to brag about. They were huge, but then I realized they weren't huge, I was small. I went right up under his face, then I got bigger and punched him right in the chin. I felt like ant man!

"Ow!" Chris stammered. "Oh, Noah, good to see you."

"Yeah good to see you too old friend."

"What?!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to find Ashley running straight for me. Was she mad or happy? She came up and hugged me so hard I could barely breathe.

"Well hi there," I said. "Could you let me breathe a little?" I choked out. And then I realized, the others were still tiny. "One sec." I said to Ashley. I shrank down small grabbed the boys and then we were big again.

"Ashley!" Connor said. "Great you're alive! We can finally go out!"

"Um slow your roll there," She started. "Why am I always the only girl here?!"

"Actually you're not the only girl," Chris said. "Eve come on out." A tall girl came out. When I mean tall I mean tall! She had dark black hair that went down to her sides. Her light blue eyes were intense and she looked as if she didn't want to be here.

"Yay. What's it this time?" She asked. She had small accent but I couldn't quite pin it. She pushed past the boys and walked over here. "Hmm. One scrawny girl. Three let me see athlete boys. Something like that," She walked in front of me. "And one of "them" boy. Interesting." She smiled and crossed her arms. "Soooo. What do you need me to do? Kill them?" She cracked her knuckles.

"Whats up with everyone trying to kill me?!" I said.

"You're obviously a betrayal to the system," She snapped.

"Hey leave him alone," Ashley snapped back at her.

"Oh feisty eh?" Eve said. "We could use someone like you to replace him." She nodded toward me.

"I'm going wherever he goes and you're not going to stop me," Ashley said.

"And how's that worked out for you?" She said back. "Not so well I take it."

"How did you know that?" Ashley asked.

"I am also one of "them"." She started.

"My power is mind reading and hand to hand combat, what's yours?"

"Um I don't have any," Ashley said.

"Don't act all innocent, I know he gave you some!" Eve snapped.

"Noah?" Ashley turned to me.

"I may have sneaked some into you while you were still healing at my house," I confessed.

"What powers?" Ashley asked.

"My powers, electricity," I replied.

"Can we talk in another room real quick?" I asked everyone.

"Sure," Eve said. The first nice thing she's said.

"Hug me," I told her.

"Both of you and Chris shrink?" Ashley asked.

"Yes we both can, the only way we shrink is if we hug or kiss" I told her.

"What if someone chooses the second one?" Ashley said.

"Um, I wouldn't think people would want that one?" I stammered.

"Well what if I want to kiss, I mean we haven't kissed since-."

"Shhhhh." I said. "Your brother is here and so is love obsessed Connor. If you want to kiss me then do it already!"

"Fine," and Ashley came in to kiss me, it was great. Slowly we started to shrink, finally we were as small as a ladybug. Slowly we pulled away and stared quietly talking.

"I missed you," I told her.

"I missed you too, what is the deal with that Chris dude?" Ashley said.

"He was my best friend back when I was learning how to control my powers in grade school," I replied.

"So why is he Evil now?" Ashley asked.

"You do know I'm supposed to be evil too right?" I started. "He never wanted to be good like me."

"So you're suppose to be bad but you're not and that's why you were in that house, right?" Ashley asked as we started to walk.

"Well that's not really what I wanted to talk about right now Ashley, I have to tell you the truth" I said.

"What is the truth, Noah?" Ashley asked as she started to get madder.

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