Chapter 34: Ashley

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I was in the cave, in Eve's room. I was stealing her clothes, but I didn't care I was out for the kill. I decided to go to a school that taught kids how to use their powers for evil, I think Noah went there if I can remember straight. I found a really cute skirt then a top that I didn't like, so I fixed it a little. I couldn't show up to the school wearing good girl clothes if I want to get in just like that. It was blue and red school girl outfit. The skirt seemed a little short but it would work for now. I mean it was a little girly for black high heels but I think it meant business, plus it gave a killer but innocent vibe which is what I wanted! As I slipped my last heel on I heard a yell.

"Hurry check Eve's room!" Then right after that Ethan slammed the door open.

"There! Get her!" I just smirked
"See you at school!" Then snapped my fingers and that was it. I teleported to the school, I was just outside the school. I walked up to the door and opened it. There were kids my age walking through the hall. I zapped beside another person's foot as they were walking down the hall. The person turned around and walked up to me.

"What was that for?"

"I need to know where the office is." I responded smiling. She pointed to the right, then I went that way. The door to the office was black reading "Welcome" but the O was a little skull. I walked in and a lady was sitting behind an all black desk. The lady looked quite old with over a ton of make up.

"What do you need?" She asked with a little crackle in her voice.

"I need to enroll and start school today!" I said as I put my hand on my hip.
"Third door on the left." She said as I walked off with a grin. I didn't even knock on the door I just walked in, I felt like a rebel.

"Hello?" I said but I didn't see anyone at the desk. Suddenly someone appeared. He looked like he was about ten years younger than the lady. He probably had invisibility powers.

"Have a seat" he said with a smirk. I sat down in a bright red leather couch.

"You want to enroll?" He questioned.

"Why else would I be here?" I sassed trying to make a bad impression. Which would really be a good impression on him.

"Haha" he laughed. "Well you have to be special to get into this school."

"What do you mean special?" I asked as I stared him down.

"Powers, also known as one of 'them'!" He responded as he leaned back in his chair.

"I don't think you understand. I have all the powers, would you like to see?" I asked as I stood up to give him the show.

"Sure, because we've never met a person who has all the powers!" He said laughing. So I gave him a show. First disappeared then reappeared, then I lit a flare in my hand, next I showed him ice, then lasers, after that electricity.

"Okay, I think I get it miss......?"

"Ashley, Ashley Thompson" I said with a smile on my face.

"Well you passed all the test so sure just sign these papers and you can start next week." He said with a smirk. I leaned down to sign the papers when I realized that he said next week.

"Um I actually need to start today." I said.

"Why is that miss Thompson?" He asked with a confused look in his eyes.

"I need to get evil quick, the quicker I start the sooner I'm evil!" I said as I raised my voice.

"True, okay but only for you because you have all those powers." He replied.

"Great!" I leaned down and signed the papers then he said,

"Give me five to ten minutes to make your schedule."

"Okay," then I turned around and sat down on the couch. About twelve minutes later I got bored and started blurting out.

"I thought you said five to ten minutes it's been twelve what's with the the wait?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Just finished." He said with a smile.

"Great!" then I walked off and out the door. Nobody was in the hallway I started walking to the left. The class that I was suppose to be going to was called survival class. Suddenly the next thing I knew was my face hitting the cold black ground.

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