{19} Maturing

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I woke up the next day with breakfast in bed, my mother was babying me and treating me as if I had a disability which I didn't. "I tried to call Roman but he won't pick up, I don't know if I should feel worry or anger." I picked at the fruits with my fork, chewing softly.

My Mother sighed, "They must be busy with these rogue issues. Don't worry too much, worry about your health and your baby's health now." I nodded my head at her, eating the fruits and drinking from my juice. "Thanks mom." I gave her the tray as I stood up from the bed and made my way into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth in the sink and took off my clothes, stepping into the shower. I opened the tap and let the water pour down on me, the water splashing on the floor filling my ears as I soaped my body. I took advantage of this to wash my hair and condition it. When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

I made my way toward the bedroom and put my clothes on, walking toward the vanity to brush my hair. The door was knocked and Nina walked in, "Nina? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back?" Nina was my best friend but she mated to someone who wasn't from this pack and had to leave of course.

"Well, my mate is fighting rogues with yours so I was alone and I thought, why not come? You're a bad friend though, you could have told me that you found your mate and that you're pregnant." I sighed, resting my elbow on the vanity table as I touched my forehead. "How did you find out?"

"How?" She frowned, "Girl, the whole pack knows." I breathed out heavily as I pushed myself away from the vanity, "How is that even possible? I told no one about this." I groaned, "Anyways, forget the pack. I'm back!"

"I know but I'm on bed rest." I told her sadly and she smiled at me, "Who said anything about going out?"

I laughed with her as we watched old movies, we were having so much fun and I wasn't even bothered that I was at home. My mother made popcorn and we installed ourselves in the living room. "I hate these girls, I mean. Why is she even letting her carry her dead puppy?" I rolled my eyes at that as I popped one popcorn into my mouth.

"I mean, doesn't she know that the puppy died?" We stared at each other before we both burst  out into fits of laughter, tossing popcorn at each other. There was a clear of a throat and I turned around to look at my mother, "I know you're having fun but you need to rest."

"Boo-hoo." I threw popcorn at her, "You're no fun mom." I pushed myself up from the ground as Nina paused the movie. "I'll take you to your room." I smiled as I gave Nina a side hug and walked with her toward my room, "I'll see you tomorrow, I can't believe we spent the whole day watching movies."

"Me neither, I missed it. I had so much fun." I nodded my head at her with a smile, "Me too but doctor's orders. I need to rest so. I see you in the morning." We hugged each other as we said our good nights and strolled toward my room.

I yawned, rubbing my stomach as I made my way into my room, closing it behind me. I turned off the lights and walked toward my bed, raising the covers as I slipped in. I got inside and accommodated my head on the pillow, closing my eyes as darkness took over me.

The door opened rudely in the early morning and I turned around to protest only to find Roman there. I frowned, Roman? Roman! My eyes widened at that and I squealed, getting out of the bed as I rushed toward him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much." I frowned, his hands pulling me away and I staggered back confused. "What?"

"That angry were you at me that I had to find out from someone else that you were pregnant? Because you didn't even have the decency to call me." I opened my mouth and closed it without knowing what to say, shaking his head as he stepped back, turning around.

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