fourty nine

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Thomas 🎬 has added Mo 🐕, Logan, Perfect Prince, PRANKS 🎉, anxiety, and Missy 🐥to the chat.

Thomas 🎬: Okay! Now that we're all here I wanted to ask about the mindscape.

Logan: Anxiety and I know the most.

Thomas 🎬: I also have questions about Missy and Pranks.

Missy 🐥: Ask away!!

Thomas 🎬: Okay, to Missy and Pranks, why is it that you can manifest but only every once in a while?

Missy 🐥: We aren't completely sure about that, actually.

PRANKS 🎉: We made a theory about it with Logic, though.

Perfect Prince 👑: I actually enjoy this theory!

Logan: We believe that main traits like Morality, Prince, Anxiety, and me can manifest whenever needed as long as they are not extremely exhausted from overwork. Hence the reason why we are always available for you videos.

Logan: While Pranks and Missy are significant traits, they are not main traits. They can manifest because they both became such important parts of Thomas's personality. But, because they are not "main" traits, they are unable to manifest often and for long periods of time.

Thomas 🎬: That makes sense.

Thomas 🎬: Next question, how do kids work for you guys??

Thomas 🎬: Like how is Anxiety Logic and Morality's kid??? How did that happen??

Mo 🐕: Oh! Well Logan and I hadn't realized that it was possible until Anxiety kinda popped up.

Logan: Can I explain this?

PRANKS 🎉: Do I have to be here for this??

Perfect Prince 👑: It actually works a lot like how kids work with you Thomas. Instead of birth, they just kinda appear after 9 months.

Thomas 🎬: Okay... I think I understand. You're all biologically boys though right???

Logan: Because the children just pop up, there's no problem with those things.

Thomas 🎬: Wow.

Thomas 🎬: Who was the one that have birth to Missy

Thomas 🎬: essentially I mean.

Perfect Prince 👑: Anxiety! He screamed when Missy popped into his room.

Missy 🐥: it was terrifying.

Perfect Prince 👑: Speaking of Anxiety, I'm going to go check on him. Go ahead without me.

Thomas 🎬: How does "sinking down" work.

Logan: Anxiety is actually the one that knows most about this.

Mo 🐕: We'll have to wait for Anxiety, then!

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora