thirty two

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Anxiety has added Perfect Prince 👑 to the chat.

Anxiety: are we gonna tell the others about us or no

Perfect Prince 👑: What do you want to do?

Anxiety: im an anxious mess you cant put this decision on me

Perfect Prince 👑: Well I always think it is better to tell people before they find out on their own

Anxiety: makes sense

Anxiety: itd probably be worse for them to find out separately

Anxiety: especially missy

Perfect Prince 👑: Oh lord you're right

Perfect Prince 👑: We need to talk him first

Anxiety: how do we tell him

Anxiety: "hey your father and i broke up before you were born and it was a mess, but now were back together and were forgetting about how terrible conditions we both were in after our previous break up"

Perfect Prince 👑: How about we just sit him down and tell him that we are together and leave the rest for him to find out later.

Anxiety: hes going to find out eventually

Perfect Prince 👑: We both want to delay him from finding out

Perfect Prince 👑: Let's tell him the good news now, and in a few months explain the rest.

Anxiety: fine

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ