twenty two

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Missy 😼 added anxious mess to the chat

Missy 😼: Dad!!!

Missy 😼: Pranks and I are gonna watch some movies together!!

Missy 😼: You should join us!!

Missy 😼: we're gonna watch black cauldron! I know it's your favorite

Missy 😼: ...

Missy 😼: Daaaaaaaaaadddddddd

anxious mess: im not feeling up to it sorry Missy. Maybe another time?

Missy 😼: Sure!! Ily dad!!

anxious mess: love you too missy


Missy 😼 has added Pranks to the chat.

Missy 😼: Anxiety said he didn't want to come to the movie night so we can get ready now!

Pranks: Okay! You get the movie and room ready and I'll go get all the snacks.

Missy 😼: Okay!!


Pranks had added Perfect Prince 👑, Logically Speaking 👓, and Dad 🐕 to the chat.

Pranks: Anxiety just told Missy and I off for a movie night.

Dad 🐕: Isn't that normal?? He always blows us off.

Pranks: Not Missy and I. He always says yes.

Logically Speaking 👓: So it is safe to say that there is something wrong with Anxiety then? With our hypothesis and now this information, it seems likely.

Perfect Prince 👑: Are we allowed to panic?

Pranks: No

Dad 🐕: no!!

Logically Speaking 👓: No.

Perfect Prince 👑: Damnit

Dad 🐕: Language!!!

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