Tag Thing (A/N)

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So I was tagged by Anxiety-Sanders and now I'm doing the thing I hope y'all enjoy learning about me.

1) Favorite Song
Right now my favorite song is either Evermore (by Dan Stevens I think) from the new Beauty and the Beast or Cancer by MCR (Am I not the embodiment of Prinxiety??)

2) Favorite Sport
What's a sport. (Kidding I'd say hockey bc those fights get intense lmao)

3) Favorite Band
Either Twenty One Pilots or Panic! at the Disco (Of that even counts anymore RIP)

4) Favorite Show
I would say that right now it's Yuri!!! On Ice (Non triggering!! Super gay) or 13 Reasons Why (super triggering. Jeff deserves better. I'm in love with Tony. Send help.)

5) Favorite Movie
Beauty and the Beast! The newer one was magnificent and I saw it two days in a row. I know all the songs. I cried both times.

6) Favorite Color
Honestly I never know the answer to this but I look good in black so it's black.

7) Favorite Food
...I like food.

8) Favorite Drink
Either rootbeer or Dr. Pepper. I mean some smoothies are good.

9) Favorite Video Game
Stardew valley because I like to battle the creatures but also be gay with Alex and Shane.

I just remembered that I was supposed to tag people so um


The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα