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Three knocks. Then two. Then one. This was repeated twice before Anxiety dragged himself out of bed to answer his door. He snapped his fingers. He knew it was Prince; They had come up with that knock for each other a while back.

"What do you want, Princey?" Anxiety asked glumly as he opened his door.

Prince pushed the door open more and walked into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, yeah, just come right in."

Roman cleared his throat and began to speak. "We need to talk."

"Now?" Anxiety groaned. He hated talking. It always was bad on his part, just because he didn't like to share. He preferred to just sit down and think about it himself.

"Yes, now. We've put this off for years and it's about time we stop looking past it and pretending it isn't there," Prince replied.

"Why did you break up with me?" Anxiety blurted, only for his eyes to widen and his hands to cover his mouth.

"Fuck, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. You don't need to answer that I've just thought about all the posibilities one-hundred times over and just reall wanted closer-"

"No, it's fine. You want an explanation, I get that. You deserve one too.

"I guess it was the lack of communication, as stupid as that sounds. You never told me how you felt, and in the rate times you did it seemed like you were holding back something. Like you were lying to me. Over time, I assume I got angry and just... snapped. You know what happened that day, you saw how... angry I had gotten."

Internally, Anxiety scoffed. Angry was not the word to describe Prince on the day they broke up. He was far more than angry.

"Yes, I realize that," Anxiety commented.

"I still hate myself for that day, I hope you realize that. I really regret it. All of it. Breaking up with you certainly wasn't the worst, but it was terrible. Especially in the way I told it to you. I can't even get you're crying face out of my head and I feel even more guilty ever time I see it."

Anxiety cringed at the mention of him crying. He hated crying, let alone crying in front of other people.

"It was my fault we broke up anyway, you shouldn't feel bad. I should."

Anxiety watched as Prince's eyes widened and his jaw went slack.

"Are you blaming yourself?

Anxiety looked at Prince weirdly. "It's kind of what I do?"

"I broke up with you, it wasn't the other way around! I could have pushed you to talk more and it could have been better! It was my fault!" Prince declared, practically shouting.

Anxiety out his hands in his pocket and sighed. "If I had talked to you more, you wouldn't have needed to push me and we would still be together. It is my fault that you felt the news to break up with me, obviously."

Prince had a glint in his eye that Anxiety knew only meant trouble.

"If I was more patient with you it wouldn't have happened!"

"If I actually talked about my emotions you wouldn't have needed to be so patient!"

"Okay, we both know that neither of us will be forgiving ourselves so why don't  we just come to a compromise and say it was both of our faults?" Prince suggested.

Anxiety reluctantly nodded, saying no more on the subject.

Prince, out of no where, let out a loud laugh that startled Anxiety and caused him to jump.

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora