twenty seven

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Anxiety has added MISSY and Perfect Prince 👑 to the chat.

Anxiety: so i was thinking

Anxiety: we should probably do a thing together

Perfect Prince👑: What do you mean?

Anxiety: you know

Anxiety: as a family?

MISSY: As a family?!?

Anxiety: i was hoping so

Perfect Prince 👑: That'd be... nice.

MISSY: Ooooh can we watch movies?

Anxiety: ill make a fort for us

Perfect Prince 👑: I shall get us snacks!

MISSY: I'll get the movies!!

Anxiety: i already am setting up the fort in my room of thats okay?

MISSY: I'll be there soon

Perfect Prince 👑: I will too!

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Where stories live. Discover now