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The one thing Anxiety decided he could do well is be annoying.

He was always bothering Thomas or any of the other sides with his worries or insults.  He didn't mean to annoy Thomas, it just kind of happened and now it wouldn't stop.

He, therefore, was blamed for the majority of problems that Thomas had.

Thomas slept in? Anxiety.  Thomas decided not to go out with his friends? Anxiety. Thomas tripped in public? Somehow, everyone would blame it in Anxiety.

Anxiety was getting tired of it, but decided to keep that bottled up.

Anxiety walked into the kitchen that they had in the mindscape, looking to just grab a box of cereal and go back into his bedroom.

Roman, of course, bumped into him as he was walking out with a box of Lucky Charms.

"Woah there, Hot Topic, where you going?"

Anxiety sighed through his nose, already bothered by the conversation, "To my bedroom, Princey, where do you think?"

"With an entire box of cereal? It hasn't even been opened yet!" Roman exclaimed.

"And your point is...?"

"My point is that is unhealthy!"

Anxiety scoffed, "Like you'd really care about me being unhealthy. Come on, I'm not stupid."

With that, Anxiety stormed out of the room, slamming his shoulder into Roman's by accident.

Anxiety could here mummbling coming from Roman and looked back to see said man rubbing his shoulder.
Anxiety realized what he did, and millions of worries flew through his mind as he walked into his room.

He couldn't apologize, Roman would laugh and ask where the cameras are. He couldn't be nice to him either, because everyone would question if he's sick. Even if Anxiety was to actually talk to someone about his feelings, it couldn't end well.

And that, he remembered, is what made him Anxiety. He would never be able to do anything without worrying about it.


Hours later, Anxiety found himself in his bed with his computer and the cereal box half-empty. He has been mindlessly watching various conspiracy theory videos and mindlessly eating the cereal the entire time.

Anxiety heard a knock on his door, but didn't respond. He might as well stay where he is. No point in getting up to tell the person off.

"Hey, kiddo, I'm gonna open the door," chimed Morality's voice.

With a quick snap of his fingers, Anxiety changed the style of his room. He didn't  need anyone criticizing his real room, so any time someone visits him in his room he makes it look basic. A shelf with books filled in it, a nice bed with dark covers, a computer near a window, and a few drawings on the wall that he actually chose.

He quickly put away his laptop and sat up on his bed.

"Okay, Morality."

Morality, getting the okay, decided to open the door right after and hop next to Anxiety on the bed. Logic walked in behind him, which was odd. Logan never really visited Anxiety. Morality did often, though.

"So, it has come to our attention that you've been bothering Thomas lately," Logic started.

"Yeah," Morality frowned, "Can you stop doing that, kiddo? We need him to be happy for this next video and if he's anxious he won't be happy!"

Logan nodded. Anxiety looked at  them. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay," he said, standing up and opening his bedroom door to shoo them out of the room.

Once they left, he sighed and leaned on the door, snapping his fingers so the room would be back to normal.

No one really seemed to understand that he was just trying to help Thomas in the only way he knew how. Anxiety knew that everyone else understood he was anxiety and got anxious, but didnt really understand how it worked. Not even Logic. Only Anxiety could understand Anxiety.

And that was because no one bothered to befriend him. They talked, sure, but it was usually the others complaining about him. Sometimes they would just say hello and that would be that.

Anxiety flipped back into his bed, pulling his laptop back in his stomach and shoving his hand into the box of Lucky Charms.

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Where stories live. Discover now