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Sir Sing A Lot 💫: Anxiety!!!!

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: I know you don't care but guess what!!

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: I helped out a really pretty girl with some of her problems and I think she likes me!

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: ...

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: Anxiety?

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: I knew you didn't care but I was expecting a sarcastic remark or something

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: are you just not going to reply? I know you've seen these Anxiety.

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: Where is that sarcastic remark I was expecting? I'm going to your room.

anxious mess: wow a girl likes gou big ficking deal

anxious mess: its happend before i dont ficling caer its  jappwned before and itll happen agins

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: Anxiety, I'm already near your room. Are you crying on there?

anxious mess: fuck off

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Where stories live. Discover now