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Anxiety tapped his fingers on his desk as he browsed Tumblr. He was simply enjoying his day looking through Thomas's tumblr tag when he heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" Anxiety called out, shutting his laptop screen.

The door was opened as Roman said, "It's your lovely Prince!"

Anxiety rolled his eyes and spun to see Prince, who had stopped in his tracks.


"Is this... what your room usually looks like?" Prince asked, taking in the very of the dark furniture and light colored walls.

"I, uh, no. I usually don't show off this room. This is my real room, I put on the other one for show," Anxiety explained, already worried about Prince's thoughts.

"It's so... different."

Anxiety shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Yeah, that was the point."

"What's this?" Prince asked, walking to the pictures that hung on the wall.

Anxiety stood up and followed Prince, looking at the pictures with him. They hadn't changed.

"Oh, those are just pictures. They change every few weeks, usually. The theme has been us since we, uh, started dating again," Anxiety said, his cheeks tinting red at the thought of it.

Some of the pictures had been from when they first started dating. Anxiety could point those out (Prince's head in Anxiety's lap, the two of them on a date, Prince and Anxiety hugging, and both of them kissing passionately.)

"How does it work?" Prince's curious eyes left the pictures for a second to glance at Anxiety.

"That, I am not sure about. I just know it'll change eventually. I think some of these are different pictures, actually. Definately not all of them are."

Prince picked up one that was just him smiling and Anxiety looking at him. This one was obviously a newer picture and Anxiety was sure Prince knew it.

"That's so... amazing. I love it. I wish I could make my room like this," Prince commented, now giving his full attention to Anxiety.

"You can't? But you're practically Thomas's imagination?"

"I guess you can do it because you're the anxious trait. You wish you could change other things but this is the only thing you actually can do something about," Prince reasoned.

Anxiety shrugged. "So what did you really come in here for?"

"Oh, yes! I wanted to known if you would enjoy a date with me?"

Anxiety snorted and smirked. "I don't know if I will enjoy it, but I'll give it a shot."

"I'm going to make sure you enjoy it! Now get dressed so we can get started." Prince demanded, pushing Anxiety to his closet.

"What do you want me to change into? The same clothes? I don't have anything different," Anxiety complained, already grabbing a black shirt and a pair of black pants.

Prince just tapped his foot to show that he wanted Anxiety to hurry up.

Anxiety traveled to the bathroom before taking his shirt off. When his shirt was off succesfully, he tried his best ignore his body in the mirror. It was hard not to see the red stretch marks on his stomach. He hated those, but he put his new shirt on and switched his pants without much hesitation.

When he left the bathroom, he saw Prince was still looking at the pictures. He awkwardly stood there for a bit before alerting Roman of his presence.

"I really like these pictures, Anxiety. They're all really nice," Prince commented, walking over to Anxiety and taking his hand.

"Thanks. It's how my room originally was, ever since I was 'little.'"

Prince chuckled and brought Anxiety out of the room.

"Well, for our magnificent date, we will be going to go out to a place that will be a surprise for you. Then, we'll come home and watch some movies if you're up to it," Prince explained, already sounding excited.

Anxiety rose his eyebrow. "It's a secret, an I going to be blindfolded the entire way?"

Prince smiled. "Nice idea!" He complimented, "Logan! Can I borrow one of your ties?"

Prince asked and immediately, while grumbling, Logic was near them with a tie in hand.

"Alright, Anxiety. It is time for our adventure to begin!" Prince exclaimed as Anxiety slowly lost his sight because of Logan's tie.

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Where stories live. Discover now