thirty six

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Perfect Prince 👑 added Missy, Logan 👔, Morality 😊, and Pranks to the chat.

Logan 👔: Morality, did you change my name again?

Morality 😊: Maybe

Pranks: Speaking of names Prince are you going to change your name?

Perfect Prince 👑: No I'm enjoying this one
Perfect Prince 👑: ANYWAY I want to do a thing for Anxiety and I'm going to need your help

Morality 😊: What are you going to do???

Perfect Prince 👑: I plan to get him a promise ring (I'm NOT proposing that would be stupid at this time)

Logan 👔: Well, what else do you plan on doing?

Perfect Prince 👑: I haven't decided if we should go to a movie and dinner or if I should take him out to a park

Missy: ew romantic stuff

Pranks: same

Perfect Prince 👑: listen I know him the best here and if any of you know anything about him then you'll know he'll need reassurance and I'm trying to give him that

Logan 👔: He's not wrong, actually.

Morality 😊: When would you give him the ring in each setting??

Perfect Prince 👑: Well for the movie and dinner I'd like to do it in the walk home so it's not in a too public setting. For the park I'd probably do it wherever it is the least crowded, really.

Logan 👔: Good thought. Anxiety wouldn't be comfortable of there are many people around to witness it.

Morality 😊: How would you know that I thought emotions were my job

Logan 👔: Yes, but Anxiety is litterly anxiety. He is the embodiement of tears and nerves and all that. It doesn't take an idiot to know that he's be uncomfortable with so many people around.

Missy: He's right gramps

Pranks: ew don't ever call him that again

Missy: ugh I'm not never again

Perfect Prince 👑: call him like Pops or something that was too weird

Morality 😊: What will he call Logan?

Logan 👔: He can call me either Logic or Logan, I don't care.

Perfect Prince 👑: ANYWAY back to my plan.

Perfect Prince 👑: someone needs to help me figure out his ring size and I'm thinking Logan could do that.

Logan 👔: Why me?

Perfect Prince 👑: Because you could just say you're gettin g a ring for Morality and want to make sure you got the right size before you gave it to him

Logan 👔: In theory, don't we all have the same ring size?

Perfect Prince 👑: There is no harm in being sure!

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