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Sir Sing A Lot 💫 added anxious mess to the chat

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: Hey Anxiety

anxious mess: what do you want princey

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: just here to bother you of course!

anxious mess: really

anxious mess: you know im trying to sleep

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: And how was that going for you?

anxious mess: okay you made your point

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: well I was really supposed to just ask you if you wanted to join us

anxious mess: am i finally being invited to one of those nights were all of you hang out

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: how did you know about that?

anxious mess: im not stupid

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: well yes you're being invited

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: just don't mess this up for the love of all that is holy

anxious mess: i dont. always mess things up... I'm not entirely bad.

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: let's be real, you're always screwing stuff up Anxiety.

anxious mess: I'm going to pass on your offer for whatever youre doing tonight.

Sir Sing A Lot 💫: alright my chemically unbalanced romance!

The Leader of the Bad Guys Sang [Prinxiety]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora