Reliance A/N

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A/N TT^TT I sorta want my fave wattpad writter to rewrite this for me! ( Shhhh its -S-N-O- check out their stuff its amazballs!!) remember peeps this story isnt completed bit I've started writing it again!!! Slowly..very very slowly o.o
I am going to combine the beginnings opening scene and the fist chapter together. Warning this is an adolescent and well a much older being so if ya don't like don't read please! Also a bit of cursing as well as as some blood and gore and necrophilia oh and its ggggaaaayyyyy so GAYYYYY lol
I would love some thoughts and ideas on how to proceed all legit suggestions will be taken into account tho no guarantee that I will use em! And at any point if this story bothers you feel free not to read it.
I'm dyslexic so sorry for all and any errors!!!!!!!
Enjoy ♡♡♡♡

Reliance Mxb Completed, UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now