Chapter 1- A day of rain

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Why, hello! I hope you enjoy reading my fanfiction. This whole chapter is a little depressing, but the whole story won't stay that way, haha. It's a kind of prologue, just to give some background to their situations. This story is mostly based on the effects of the curse, on romance between characters and partially on school life. Oh, and by the way, if you didn't read/ignored the warning in the description... Well, I have to say this: AKITO. IS. A WOMAN! Read towards the end of the manga for proof. I warned you of spoilers.

Please vote/comment! Thanks. :)

Chapter 1: A day of rain

”So, what do you suppose this is about? The whole group of us hasn’t been gathered together like this for a while,” Kyo mused. "Being kneeled on the floor like this brings back memories."

”You know what. It’s because of...” Yuki grimaced. "We're all back at the Main house together for, well, you know."

”No, you’ll have to fill me in.”

”You’re so slow, Kyo.”

”I am not!”

”Stupid cat.”

”Damn rat.”

They both caught each other’s eye and gave a short chuckle. Kisa giggled. They were still keeping this up, though it had begun to feel less and less natural.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be anything good,” Hiro muttered. Kisa frowned.

“Way to dampen the mood, Hiro,” Haru said. "You shouldn't do that. It makes Kisa feel uneasy."

“Well, I find it rather nostalgic to be back here, all gathered together!” Ayame said in a sing-song tone. "Especially to be reunited with my dear brother after such a long time!"

"As loud as ever, Ayame," Hatori sighed. He glanced out of the window at the slowly darkening grey sky, filled with menacing cloud. "It's going to pour down soon."

"Are you okay, Kyo?" Tohru asked, concerned.

"I keep telling you, the rain doesn't affect me anymore. Trust me, I'm fine," he said, his expression softening when he spoke to her.

The door to the large room opened, and because they were all knelt down, Akito looked taller than usual. She entered with Shigure, wearing a pale green Kimono and looking dangerous, like… like she used to, a long time ago.

Akito Sohma stood and observed her audience intently, watching their faces. Some, like Yuki, appeared tense and nervous, and some faces were confrontational, like Rin’s. Whatever the expression, they all looked directly at Akito, kneeled down on the floor with rigid backs and hands resting in their laps.

The entire ‘original’ Zodiac had been gathered together this day to discuss the recent ‘problems’ they had been having with the curse. Also present were all the spouses and partners of the Zodiac, like Machi and Arisa, both of whom looked very uncomfortable, and were sitting close to Yuki and Kureno. They all knew what was going on, but no-one, not even Akito, had even an inkling of why. They thought the curse had been broken, but apparently not.

Shigure gave a concerned glance in Akito’s direction; Akito looked… like the old her. The bad-tempered, insecure Akito, the one they all both feared and revered because of the bonds of the curse, the one that the younger members believed was male. Shigure had thought it was all over, that everyone had been able to put the past behind them and start afresh.  Things were running perfectly until one day, not long after the curse broke, he had fallen ill, and transformed into his dog form. Akito had been shocked and distressed, and since then, their relationship had steadily been growing more strained. Even he couldn't tell what was on her mind now. It was all murky, uncertain.

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