Chapter 7- Unwelcome

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Hi there everyone! And thanks to those who have been patiently waiting for me to update. Now, this chapter was definitely one of my favourites to write; it was so exciting! So please enjoy, vote and please please please comment! :D Thanks :)

Chapter 7- Unwelcome

It was a Sunday. None of the Zodiacs had risen out of bed- all were still exhausted from their first week at school. Benjirou and Kairi had been rather hospitable, showing them around the school, and, as suggested, they really did eat cake in the cafeteria, which, Haruhi had to admit, was very tasty. Ben had been chatty, and they talked about anime, ninja (which he, too, also loved) and food (which he ate startling amounts of). However, nothing at all was said about any of their personal lives. For understandable reasons, Sora, Tsuneo and Haruhi would lightly avoid speaking of their pasts, and Ben didn’t pry. He asked few questions about their lives, and so they honoured that by not asking him any in return. It felt like his mind was uncharted territory. Kairi cheerfully joined in the conversation, Haruhi eventually deciding to overlook his transparency, thinking she was looking for too much into it. She saw this as a development of a friendship, and was optimistically hoping it would continue.


Haruhi grunted in her sleep, and opened one bleary eye. “Dad? What the hell do you want so early in the morning?” she mumbled.

“It’s your own damn fault for not waking up in the morning,” Kyo replied. “You’ve got a phone call. It’s a boy from school.”

“Crap. I have a feeling I know who it is. Tell him I’m not here.”

“Too late, already said I’d go get you.”


She yawned, and stretched out her arms with deliberate sluggishness. Rubbing her eyes, she pulled off the bed sheets and heaved herself off the bed, accidentally knocking over her lamp in the process. Why, why so early? Was it crime to want to sleep on the weekend?

She sighed and took the phone from Kyo’s hand, and he gave quiet laugh before departing to the living room.

“Yeah?” she muttered, in no mood to speak.

“Hey, it’s me, Ben,” an enthusiastic voice came from down the line.

“You know Ben, you’re very loud.”

“Oops, sorry! Anyway, I was just calling to ask something.”

“What is it?”

“Can I come round today with Kairi? Please!” he said in a deliberately childish tone. A muffled sound came from his end, along with a small thud. “Get off, Aki!” He said.

“Who’s that?” Haruhi asked, curious.

“It’s just my older brother. He likes fight games. Anyway, so what do you say?” Another thud. “Go away!”

Older brother? A little strange for an older brother to want to interrupt a phone call with something trivial like that. Even Haruhi wouldn’t. She nodded in conviction- definitely something strange about him.

“Haruhi? What is it? You’ve gone quiet.”

“Oh, sorry Ben. I’ll go ask, wait a sec. Hey, wait, what about Naoko?”

“Oh yeah, she can’t come. I already asked her.”

“’Kay, just wait a minute while I go ask.”

Haruhi dashed into the living room, where Tohru was sat, with Kyo having an arm round her shoulder. They were talking quietly between themselves. When Haruhi entered, they both looked up, equally confused.

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