Epilogue III- Reflections

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Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Many life events, plus laziness, plus Christmas-filled stuff, plus other things have prevented me from doing anything to this story. Though it's mostly laziness, and I apologise for that. This is dedicated to ChidoriQueen, a great Watty friend and an amazing writer, who helped me out when my novel was  still tiny and new. Thank you so much :)

So, it's the last, short epilogue, guys! Just to summarise all that's happened in the story, and to satisfy those who wanted more updates. XD Please enjoy, and vote/comment since this is the last chapter ever going up, and the story will be coming to a close at long last.

Epilogue III- Reflections

It had been many years since the events that lead to the final freeing of the Sohma family from their ancient curse, many years since the youngest members of the Zodiac had found love and solace in the very place they were trying to destroy- they just had to view things differently.

Haruhi had spent a long time as head of the Sohma family, alongside husband Tsuneo, and it was now time to hand over the title to their eldest daughter Akito, who was now eighteen years old. They had another child- a boy named Akira, but he was still too young and immature, and Akito was just the amazing girl they expected her to be. Loved, precious and pure, she was the pride of Haruhi and Tsuneo's lives, and Akito, her parents and mischievous brother Akira all brought happiness to the Sohmas.

It was snowing, and the flakes descended to the ground to make a light sheet on everything on the estate. Haruhi was strolling through the snow, happy to make deep footprints in the white powder, humming to herself. Things were going far too well to be allowed, she often thought.


She turned around to see Tsuneo running towards her, a pair of glasses balanced at quite an awkward angle on his nose, clutching a couple of severe-looking textbooks.

"Tsuneo! Something wrong?"

"No. I was only wondering where you had gone. I haven't caught a glimpse of you all day!" he said, breathless.

"Well you wouldn't, being locked up in that study of yours all day. We are the ones who hardly see you, Mr. Bookworm."


"I was joking, silly. Anyway, you haven't seen Akito, have you?"

"No, I have been looking for you."

"It's just, Ruri was looking for her. You know how relatives can be- Ruri turned thirteen a few days ago, and now she's a teenager, she's looking for the coolest girl she knows for life advice. Which is Akito, of course."

"Ruri... Sora and Ben's girl. She's closer in age to Akira, but I suppose he is a boy. Ruri is so similar to her mother and quite girly, so it's no wonder she would seek advice from Akito..."

Haruhi sighed and began to laugh. "It really has turned out well for this family, hasn't it? Hell, we're the most important members!"

Tsuneo smiled his usual gentle curl of the lips, around which the first tiny wrinkles were appearing. "I'm glad we freed the curse. We got children, we got jobs, lives, and we also got each other. It has been fulfilling, but I wish I would not begin to look old when I am barely forty."

She grinned, and it faded as she gazed down at her reflection in a frozen puddle beneath her. Yes, she was older now, but grown-up? Never! There was one thing that all that maternal deprivation for her formative years did, and it was ensure that she would never completely mature. Still, she liked it that way.

"Come on," she said, holding out her hand. "Let's look for her. Ruri deserves that much."

"Haruhi. I have work to do..."

"Screw the work! Family is more important, right?"

"Yes. Yes, you're right." He put his arm around her shoulder. "I'm so glad I have you to stop me being completely conservative and boring, Haruhi. I'm glad to have met you all those years ago, that old Kyo found me in that room, scared to death."

"Hey," she said weakly. "Where's all this coming from?"

"I was reflecting on our lives right now, earlier on. It helped me to complete my novel on our lives."

"Awesome! But don't you think it's time to start a new one? Maybe a new story?"

"Maybe one day, I will. But for now," he gazed up at the sky, "We have to go and get Akito."

"Way to change the subject... twice. Damn you, Tsuneo!"

He laughed, and together they ambled through to gradually thickening layer of snow, towards their hope for the future.

Thank you to all those who have read this far! This is the most complete novel I have ever written, haha. Thanks for all the support! Much love x

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