Easter Special

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(Ozpin's p.o.v.)
     Ah, spring. Such a wonderful time. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming... almost too peaceful here.
     There it is.
(Tucker's p.o.v.)
     "Alright, let's get this Easter egg hunt on the role!" I yell.
     "Uh so wanna explain to us what this Easter egg hunts suppose to be about?" Blake asks.
     Oh crap, I forgot these guys don't know what Easter is. I mean, Ruby probably won't care as long as she's finding candy.
     "I don't know how it started, you just find the colored eggs I hid and the one with the most eggs wins." I tell them.
     "Uh question, why are the eggs colored? And what lays colored eggs?" Ruby asks.
     "They're plastic eggs Ruby. And for more competition there's candy inside the eggs." I say.
     Ruby uses her semblance and darts off to find them already. Should've seen that coming.
     "I guess you guys can start then." I say as the other three leave the dorm room.
(3rd person view with Ruby)
     Ruby quickly runs around Beacon, already having found four eggs. After searching in the cafeteria and Dr. Ooblek's room she started to feel a bit discouraged by the lack of eggs.
     "Come on, where are some? I want candy!" Ruby whines as she starts running again.
     Ruby leaves the main building looking outside of Beacon when she sees Jaune with an egg in his hand talking to Pyrrha.
     "You have any idea what this is?" Jaune asks her.
     "Hmm, it looks like an egg but it's made of plastic. I wonder?" Pyrrha says inspecting it.
     Ruby activates her semblance rushing Jaune and taking the egg from his hand, knocking him down in the process.
     "Hi Pyrrha! Sorry Jaune!" The hyperactive team leader says putting the egg in her basket and running off to find more eggs.
(With Weiss)
     The heiress was having a lot easier if a time finding eggs than Ruby, having twelve eggs in her basket. Weiss walks down the halls and into Professor Port's room to find him napping in his chair. The only catch was there was an egg lying on his face. Specifically where his mustache is.
     "How did that idiot manage to do this?" Words whispered trying to tip toe over to her teacher.
     Her steps however were the same, the clacking of her heals echoing through the room. The heiress cringed as she took off her heals and continued to sneak up on Professor Port. Once she was close enough she snatched the egg from his face and quickly put it in her basket. Weiss sighed as she put her heals back on and began to walk out. But as she took a step, Professor Port stirred, waking up.
"Ms. Schnee, is there something I could do for you?" He said in a stern voice.
"Uh, I was just stopping by to ask more about yesterday's lesson." The heiress lied.
"Ah of course! I hope you've brought your notepad because I'm sure you'll want to get everything now."
As the Professor went on in joy, Weiss sat their, internally crying and wishing she hadn't put her heals back on.
(With Blake)
Blake had just found her tenth egg in the courtyard outside Beacon. The faunas jumped back into the trees and continues to scope out the area for eggs. After a bit of running, she had come across Judas who was just strolling along the walkway. What she didn't know is that there were two eggs duct taped to the back of his jacket.
"Tucker, your gonna be sorry for this one." Blake said under her breath as she descended from the trees and walked up to Judas.
"Hey Judas, what's up?" Blake said trying to be casual.
"Oh hey Blake, always thought you weren't one for words. Which makes being partners with Yang quite the contrast." He replied.
"So what book you got their?" Blake asks looking at what Judas was holding.
"It's called The Novice, great book if yah like Fantasy and that stuff. Professor Washington threw it at me and told me to read it. Said it would keep me occupied."
Judas kept going on about the book and as much as Blake wanted to listen, she was focused on the eggs on Judas' back. She then activated her semblance making a shadow clone as the real her took the eggs from his back placing them in her basket. Surprisingly Judas didn't notice.
"Hey as much as I'd love to chat about books, I kinda need to get going." Blake said giving a half smile before taking off.
(With Yang)
Yang unlike the others wasn't doing so hot. In the entirety of the time she had only found two eggs, and that was because she took from Ruby while she wasn't looking.
"Damn it Tucker, why'd you go and make this so hard." She thought.
The yellow clad brawler then thought of a good idea. She walked to Tucker's dorm room, knocking it down with a punch.
"Now let's see what's inside here." Yang smirked as she searched Tucker's room.
She checked his bed, drawers, closet and even the bookshelf he had put in but still found nothing. She lay down on his bed, taking in his scent. Yang rolled over and felt a weird feeling on her back. She took off the covers and found the bag of Easter eggs Tucker had used for the hunt. Lucky for Yang it still had half the eggs inside.
"Oh this is too easy." Yang said.
(Tucker's p.o.v)
"Alright, let's see. Ruby came back with a total of nineteen. Weiss came back with thirteen. Blake came back wit twelve. Now where's Yang?" I ask.
Ruby was already chowing down on her candy, Weiss looked like she had gone through hell, and Blake simply said, "no clue."
"Hey guys! I think I won!" Yang said as she set down her basket.
I count her eggs and couldn't believe how many she had.
"Yang how did you get fifty two eggs?" I ask.
The other three looked shocked as they stared at their yellow clad teammate.
"Let's just say I did some exploring," Yang said winking at me.
"By the way Tucker, may wanna fix your door. Like, really soon."
"First off, bow chicks bow wow. Second, Yang I only hid fifty eggs, did you take the other fifty form my room?"
"Duh, how else do you think I got this many?"
I face palm myself as I look over the other girls who have their weapons at ready.
"GET HER!!!!" Ruby yells as the three members of RWBY chase their blonde brawler.
"I wonder how Wash will react to the other eggs I riddled his room with?" Tucker asked himself as explosions could be heard in the background.
(Wash's p.o.v.)
"Fucking hell Tucker." I said as I see Easter eggs all over random spots in my room.
From the looks of it he also did a bit more decorating, judging by the giant bunny suit that's just laying on my desk. There's a little note on it that reads, "for you Wash, hope you like it. Tucker."
"This is why I hated the holidays."

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