Chapter 3: First Night

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(3rd person view)
Tucker and Yang walk into the auditorium, having small talk here and there and laughing a lot. Yang then notices someone in the crowd, calling them over.
"Ruby! I saved a seat for you!" The blonde brawler yells. Tucker watches as the girl he saw earlier with Yang make her way towards the two. Ruby looked like she was gonna speak when Yang cut her off.
"Ruby, meet Tucker. Tucker meet Ruby, my sister." Yang says enthusiastically
"Wait you two are sister? You look nothing alike!" Tucker says a bit confused.
"We're half sisters." Ruby replies.
Tucker nods as the two sister catch up since their departure.
As they go on, another girl joins in on their 'discussion' Tucker goes off and looks at some of the students. 'Hope Ms. Goodwitch's training allows me to keep up with these guys.' Tucker thinks. While working on his aura and semblance, Ms. Goodwitch also had Professor Port teach him how to better use his sword.
"I'll keep this brief," Ozpin said suddenly causing Tucker to jump.
     "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose. Direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."
     This sounds like something they told us in the military. Huh, I'll ask him later. After Ms. Goodwitch dismisses us, I run over to catch up with Yang.
     "Hey Yang!" I yell stopping my movement before I collide with her. I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing to land in her jugs.
     "Sup Tucker." She says as Ruby and some white haired chick start to yell at each other
"Not much, what are they on about?"
"Well I guess Ruby exploded outside thanks to Ice Princess over here."
"Bow-chicka-bow-wow." I say under my breath, causing Yang to raise an eyebrow.
"Your such a pervert." She said play punching my shoulder, pushing me back a bit.
"Sorry, at this point it's just force of habit." I tell her. She just laughs.
"So I haven't asked you yet, what's your semblance?"
"Uh, I haven't found mine yet."
"Wait what?" Yang asked a bit shocked.
"Yeah, came here thinking I could find it easier." I lie.
"I see, mines a strength booster I'm a way. The more hits I take the stronger I become, though it only works when I'm conscious." She says.
I nod looking at some students students set up their sleeping areas.
"Dang we've been talking for this long?" I ask aloud.
"No dumby, people just wanna reserve a spot." She says.
     "Well now I feel like a dumbass, wanna go walk around the place?" I ask.
     "Sure, why not?"
(Timeskip night)
     "It's like a big slumber party!" I hear Yang say as I approach them.
     "I don't think dad would approve of all the boys." Ruby says writing something.
     "I know I do, what's up Tucker?" She says turning her head and starting to blush. It because I'm shirtless and only in pajama pants? It may be.
     "Like what you see?" I ask jokingly
     Yang blushes some more looking away before Ruby looks at me turning redder than the tips of her hair.
"So what's Ruby up to?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Writing to the gang back at signal." She said with a sigh. I remember Qrow talking about signal and how he teaches there when he's not doing other stuff.
"Aww that's cute." Yang chimes in receiving a pillow to the face. I couldn't help but snicker until Yang threw her pillow at me.
"It's not like I was able to bring my friends with me." Ruby said looking down.
"Well, you've got Jaune. He's your friend." Yang says.
"I don't know much about you, but hey I'd call you a friend." I say hoping to raise her spirits.
"I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend." She says laying down.
"You can't make negative friends Rubes." Yang comments getting hit by another pillow.
"She's right, if that were true I'd have plenty of negative friends. You've just made one friend and, an acquaintance that's a bitch." I say setting my stuff down. Well, Ozpin's spare stuff.
Just then we here a book page flip, looking over to a golden eyed girl wearing a black bow.
"Someone you know Ruby?" Me and Yang ask in unison.
"She's the one who told off Weiss."
The two go over there and I just settle down looking at the ceiling. I wonder how everyone back on Chorus is doing.
(On Chorus 3rd person view)
"Tucker! Tucker where are you?" Caboose yells.
"Dumbass I'm pretty sure he's not in Armonia anymore." Grif says
"Grif's right. If he was here, we would've found him by now." Wash says. The Reds and Blues were split in order to find Tucker. One team consisted of Grif, Caboose, and Wash. The other of Simmons, Carolina, and Sarge. Lopez and Donut stayed behind to run the armory.
"So why can't we leave Armonia again?" Grif asks laying down.
"Because Carolina's team was tasked with looking outside the base. We weren't." Wash replied.
"Well Mr. I'm-in-charge, tell that to Caboose." Wash looked over to where Caboose was and saw he was nowhere to be found.
"Son of a bitch."
(Back with Tucker)
Yeah things may have went south in the last minute. Weiss came over and started to yell at Blake, Ruby, and Yang after Ruby explained why she wanted to become a huntress. Now it's pitch black and I'm pretty sure Yang "tripped" and landed on me.
"Yang, your on me." I say barely able to get any words out of me.
"Shhhh, let it happen." She whispered. I tried pulling her off of me but she's a lot heavier than she looks.
"Yang, come on." I complain. She doesn't reply, instead she lets out a snore.
Well this is just great. Well I can't really complain, I've got a hot chick sleeping on me. Only problem is how I'm suppose to sleep soundly.

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